April 14 Dan Zen Expo Exhibit
Dedicated to all Programmers
Dan Zen has spent the last ten years developing a philosophy called Nodism which explores the connection between physical and virtual worlds.
Nodism Tour ▲ The Dan Zen Museum provides a gentle visual introduction and history of the Philosophy of Nodism. TAKE TOUR
Nodism Blog ▲ Millions of logical people model life every day in creating games and simulations. They do so using a paradigm called Object Oriented Programming which is based on classes that act as templates for objects with properties, methods and events. The logical modeling of life can be considered philosophy. Here is the Nodsim blog - a little out-of-date - most of the recent work has been done to compile the Creativity Framework - see below. NODISM BLOG
Node Globes ▲ A fascinating exploration of a radial hierarchy and visualizing the workings of a tree. Imagine that you started with rays of string or elastic and then pinched the strings where there are nodes. The lines moving towards the center would then be thicker or a collection of strings all going to node 0 of this system. NODE GLOBES
Nodism Sketch ▲ one from about one hundred sketches in a half dozen sketchbooks. This sketch shows that any object with properties can be categorized under these properties.
Nodism Sketches ▲ The sketch on the left lists some of the parameters that could influence or relate to consciousness. This has been taken further with a look at manipulating hierarchical memory in the mind. On the right is a mid-Nodism view of labeling nodes in two representations of a hierarchy tree.
Nodism Sketches ▲ The sketch on the left shows some aspects of our existence and on the right is an early view of the isomorphisms of hierarchy with Node Zero shown in the middle.
Dan Zen Creativity Framework ▲ Much of the philosophy of Nodism went into the making of the Dan Zen Creativity Framework. Dan Zen will be re-branding the framework as the Meta Creativity Framework and providing the framework for free. So this is your last chance to pay! (what a marketing scheme). CREATIVITY FRAMEWORK
Creativity Framework Diagram ▲ In the framework, this diagram is broken into stages with explanations each stage. Here, the summary shows the terminology related to hierarchy. CREATIVITY FRAMEWORK
Creativity Framework Diagram ▲ In the framework, this diagram is broken into stages with explanations each stage. Here, the summary shows the mapping of hierarchy across many important organizational structures. CREATIVITY FRAMEWORK
Creativity Framework Diagram ▲ In the framework, this diagram is broken into stages with explanations each stage. Here, the summary shows how flexible the single hierarchy can be and how we are directly related to the Universe (Node Zero). CREATIVITY FRAMEWORK
Node Notes ▲ The first exploration in interface for Node Notes. The second iteration was the Node Globe approach (see the diagram above). In the end, a single large sliding hierarchy is planned. We shall see - it may be that Dan Zen was just reinventing the Web. VIEW DEMO
Coding Tour ▲ Here is a link to the Dan Zen Museum Coding Tour which provides an overview of coding intended for people with no coding experience. This helps describe how logic, randomness and organization can lead to artificial intelligence and indeed set the grounds for a philosophy. CODING TOUR