Dedicated Bob Jones, Song and Ian for all their care at Sheridan
Dan Zen has been teaching at Sheridan for over a dozen years. He teaches interactive media where students and grads make among other things, e-learning apps. Here is a brief history of some of the apps Zen has made and used.▲ Ontario Marketing Awards Quiz Bowl - Dan Zen collaboration with Keith & Peggy Barnwell and David Quesnelle from Sheridan to run the best Quiz Bowl ever! READ ARTICLE
Productivity Tools ▲ Dan Zen made some early digital tools when he started teaching at Sheridan College in 2002. He did the grades system where comments could be added for each mark breakdown per assignment. The grades e-mailed out to students and provided a portal yet the input was done easily through excel sheets. He created Pigeon for e-mail send outs. He created Slate for surveys, the Alumnizer to keep in touch with alumni and various apps like ExamLock to help administer early online exams and study tools like Commentizer to help students take any code and try and recreate comments.Reflection Forms ▲ In 2005, Dan Zen won the ETC Innovative Teaching with Technology Award for a full-time faculty member or team within the Ontario College system who has demonstrated innovative use of technology when implementing a specific learning activity with defined learning objectives. This was for Reflection Forms of which Zen and colleagues reviewed thousands of entries that ensured reflection on lessons and opportunity for feedback after each lesson. READ ARTICLE
▲ In 2008, Dan Zen won the Canadian New Media Awards Educator of the Year for his curriculum and e-learning apps like the Purse example to demonstrate data flow in coding. READ ARTICLETRY PURSE
▲ In 2015 Dan Zen launched version 2 of his Creativity Framework now called Meta and found online. The Framework has several interactive activities including multiuser versions programmed in 4 hours with the ZIM js Framework Zen created to help people make Interactive Media. VIEW FRAMEWORKTRY EXAMPLE