cross-legged lotus
cross-eyed computing
cross-brained buzz
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y

© 2002 Dan Zen
mad inventor meets Internet finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
Yackity yackity ity ity yack yack. Hey wait...
I'm going to have to stop talking... I'm getting a
telepathic message. What's this?! Dan Zen wants me to
keep talking? In fact, they want me to prove I'm a...

I knew it all along and now I know that the Web Ouija
knows it too - in my past life, I was a MONSTER! And
the Web Ouija knows which one...
I was just thinking that I should have a party. Say,
how about a Halloween party with 8-12 people playing
the creepiest coolest Mystery Party of the season!
I can play the mystery online and print the booklets.
Dan Zen
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
What's this? A telepathic signal has infiltrated my mind
and taken over my optical receptors. I spy spies!
It's Spy-mail from the mad inventor, Dan Zen...
¤ Full messaging service - with twists
¤ Spy on unprotected messages using FibreSpy
¤ Right now, get special agent status for a week
¤ Your messages will not self-destruct...
Wow, I'll go rendezvous with secret agents LASER-PROOF, C-HIVE,
Spy-mail my friends and start a spy faction!
Dan Zen
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
You are receiving a pine-scented telepathic thought from someone round!
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
Spooky telepathy sends chills down my spine and whispers that Baron Digbody is hiring new servants. Just in time for Halloween! But what happened to the old servants? I'll bravely investigate in this latest of Moustache Mysteries. Hey, I can print booklets and host a party too!
If I'm not excited about a Creepy Castle Caper written by the Moustache and featuring fully-animated zany
characters like:
Witch in the Tree - Cook
Doctor Zig Zag - Driver
Baroness Ursula - and her snake den
Lurk - the big-eared Butler
Boris - the Botanist
Sand Witch - rival Cook
then I must be batty! Perhaps I'd get in the mood by playing
Dan Zen's anagram game to "Word Warp" Monsters!
Best Autumn wishes!
Dan Zen
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
Dan Zen Telepathy has intercepted a message from the future! I can explore this exciting message by clicking Message From Future.
Dan Zen
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
A wave of warm floral air is lapping at my mind!
Wow! Telepathic smells from Dan Zen!
I will follow the floral air down the jungle path...
I will leave it all behind and become a pool cleaner!
How about a secret dip in Princess Lavalava Yo's pool.
Wait, what are those noises from her bungalow?
Oh no! She's having a party... Oh YES! She's having a party!
And there's something very mysterious about the banner out front - KULA PU
This piques my curiousity - I'm going to check it out!
If I'm not excited about a Hawaiian Bungalow Mystery
written by the Moustache and featuring fully-animated zany
characters like:
Dan Hu - Ukulele Maestro
Tuk-Tit-Ti-Tong - Poetic Bartender
Tilly Tiara - er... Explorer
Gaylord Leopardskin - Playboy
Hu Lei - Hula Girl
then I must be coconuts! Perhaps I'd get in the mood by playing
Dan Zen's anagram game to "Word Warp" fabulous vacation Spots!
Best summer wishes!
Dan Zen
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
Wow, a friendly voice is inside my head...
To thank you for visiting Dan Zen, we would like to dedicate a stone in our Dan Zen Garden specially to you. Come to Dan Zen and add your name for everyone to see. You can also find out about others who play Dan Zen. The stones are scattered around the site - just find them and click on the names. |
Ah, this must be the Telepathy of Dan Zen! It continues...
Kula Pu Idol - a Hawaiian bungalow mystery - will be soon presented through our mystery channel, Moustache Mysteries. To help make our new mystery even better for you, Dan Zen would greatly appreciate and would certainly value your feedback on our first mystery, Lady with Brooch - a beatnik art-theft mystery. |
Say, I'd like to play a cool interactive animated online mystery with OSCI (off-screen character interaction). I find myself compelled to play the mystery and offer my opinion and suggestions by clicking here. After all, I know what I like and I want Dan Zen to give it to me.
Dan Zen
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
T ~ E ~ L ~ E ~ P ~ A ~ T ~ H ~ Y
In one ear and out the other - but wait, that's no sound! It's a flashing! A flashing of telepathic thoughts from the mad inventor, Dan Zen, pictured here producing Telepathy in a laboratory of lights.
Hmmm, Dan Zen has just finished collecting a list of famous names that I can Word Warp. But perhaps nothing is as warped as the myriad of new daily psychedelic collages I will see in the Gallery 2010 by G. Diandalion of the Flashing Lights.
Bla-bla-bla bla-bla-bla ~> the telepathy must be garbled - no wait, it's the bla-bla Network - Dan Zen has joined this Silicon-Alley-Heights collection of independent Websites. In doing so, talking ads have been added along with a new section called HYPNO. I must see the interactive ads like the EGO-scope and the Shockwave Admusements section!
My mind is growing numb and the Telepathy is droning on about a new set of barnacles; the Prediction Train getting Bill Gates' "resignation" right; a reward for e-mailing in spelling mistakes on Dan Zen; wild new Hip Cats like the Rice Genie ~>
Okay! I give up - I'll go visit Dan Zen!
Dan Zen
mind games

Wow! all of a sudden I am feeling the forces of groovity!
I dig this gnarlatious message rappin' on my rad cranium!
The message is buzzing, get down to
There's a kewl game called HiP CAtS and I'll be shag-a-delic!
Make an online person and their words change with the moods:
Beatnik, cyberpunk, goth, psychedelic, surf, and urban.
Make your own translations. Rate, date, message Hipsters!
Experience the top 20 CDs, books, videos for every mood.
A fun, free, fantastic flowering of crazy concepts...
Turn On - Jack In - Hang Out at
Dan Zen
mind games

You are alone on the street when suddenly from nowhere...
"Wooh wuh mwah 'va wum wo wahoo wava whim!"
It's a voice! This must be the Telepathy of Dan Zen!
It's coming in clearer - you are starting to understand...
"Wook uh! We've wum twowet wu inwa wimp!"
You scratch your head and hope this Telepathy clears.
Then you see the shadow and hear a chorus of friends...
"Look up! We've come to get you in our Blimp!"
Blimp Race II around the world is here. Come to and get in a Blimp. There are
lots to choose from like, "The Ark", "Pillow Flight",
"Beach Ball", "The Monty Puffins", "Spiraling Spies",
"Sky Diaper", "Rudolf Valentino", and more!
Fantastic free fun flying at Dan Zen.
Dan Zen
mind games

Puzzling pulses pervade
Purposely pulling people
Past partying parades
Playing Password Paradox
Password Paradox, the addictive game
from Dan Zen with billions at stake.
Dan Zen
mind games
Pre-reviews of Password Paradox
For those who seek the unseekable.
¤ Kermit
Rules to open the safe are in the safe.
¤ Gorbachev
Doctor, I can't control my Pee Pee.
¤ Homer
This game fills a much needed gap.
¤ Letterman

You detect a tremor of telepathic force.
Shrinkray, the newest Dan Zen game is here.
Exciting questions spring to mind:
Shrinkray - is it scientifically possible?
Shrinkray - will we get to save the world?
Shrinkray - are there cool special effects?
Find out at
Dan Zen
mind games

Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong-Dang
Dang-Zong, Ding-Dang-Zong
Dang-Zeng - ahhh - Dan Zen
A distant ding-dong has dropped a happy thought in your head.
You'd like to give a friend an online gift! Why not show them
the Tallest Hat in the World! This is a wonderful gift for
parents to give their kids and loved ones to give to each other.
Come to and click the gift in the top
left corner. For a small donation of your choosing, Dan Zen
will email a gift-wrapped password to your friend and you'll
get sent one too. Doesn't that sound like fun!
Watch out for Dan Zen's next game, SHRINKRAY! Coming in January.
If you have not been to Dan Zen in a while you may not have caught
the curl of the Moustache! Dan Zen and Moustache Mysteries present
"Lady with Brooch" an art-theft in a crazy inventor's mansion.
Brooch is one of the zaniest and full-featured mysteries on the Net
and will be followed with "Kula Pu Idol" in the summer and
"Baron Digbody's Castle" in the fall.
Happy holidays from all at Dan Zen.
Dan Zen
mind games
PS if you get a chance, tickle Eg Orna and nominate Dan Zen for
Canadian Play Site of the Year. Thank you.

Floating colors in your mind
Swinging pendulum you find
Spinning spirals, watch the white gloves
Electric rays, you droop your eyelids
Droning voices in your ears say
Sway medallion 'till...
you are sensing a telepathic message:
zzzzaaannnyyy... zzzaanny... zany...
no wait - it's zeny... dan zeny...
ah, Dan Zen!
All fresh, all free, all fun.
Dan Zen
mind games
18 original games, inventions, and features
¤ Moustache Mysteries
Now presenting an interactive art-theft mystery
with animated characters
¤ Spirogram
Send and receive spiral encoded messages
¤ Salamander
A multi-player spy game to catch or to be the
master of disguise
¤ Gorgolon
A multi-player underwater civilization awaits
your 10 Gorgolonian fingers
¤ Grim Reaper's Age Guesser
Do you hop? You had better or the Grim Reaper
will get you!
¤ Headline Machine
Here is your chance to make your own headlines
Elvis was an alien
¤ Teleporters
Travel the web in style and get a Teleporter
for your site
¤ Danisms
Daily inventions, happenings, and fun stuff
check every day
¤ Gallery 2010
Daily art displays from the 2010 art gallery
¤ Telepathy
Receive telepathic thoughts from Dan Zen
¤ Tower of Babel
Speak poetic nonsense into the wind and
then follow it to the Tower of Babel
¤ Web Ouija
Mind over mouse - the Oracle speaks
¤ Word Warp
What words lie hidden in other words?
Find out with Word Warp
¤ YesUmNo
The voting game: should Carl cut his hair
do old brains turn to mush?
¤ Dens
Hidden in the Great Wall of China
chat with atmosphere
¤ Hat
Come see the tallest hat in the world!
¤ Prediction Train
Ride into the future! Leave predictions
and tell us if they'll come true

Floating colors in your mind
Swinging pendulum you find
Spinning spirals, watch the white gloves
Electric rays, you droop your eyelids
Droning voices in your ears say
Sway medallion 'till...
You sense that Dan Zen is bringing back all its games for free.
You feel your body itching to play Dan Zen - itching all over!
Now... pick up your digital camera CLICK ITCH SNAP and send in
your itching pictures. You want to come to
and watch everybody else itch. Finally, you have an urge to
infect your friends by selecting the "Invite Friends" link.
In November you must come and play:
¤ Moustache Mysteries
Now presenting an interactive art-theft mystery
with animated characters
¤ Spirogram
Send and receive spiral encoded messages
¤ Salamander
A multi-player spy game to catch or to be the
master of disguise
¤ Gorgolon
A multi-player underwater civilization awaits
your 10 Gorgolonian fingers
¤ Grim Reaper's Age Guesser
Do you hop? You had better or the Grim Reaper
will get you!
¤ Headline Machine
Here is your chance to make your own headlines
Elvis was an alien
¤ Teleporters
Travel the web in style and get a Teleporter
for your site
¤ Danisms
Daily inventions, happenings, and fun stuff
check every day
¤ Gallery 2010
Daily art displays from the 2010 art gallery
¤ Telepathy
Receive telepathic thoughts from Dan Zen
¤ Tower of Babel
Speak poetic nonsense into the wind and
then follow it to the Tower of Babel
¤ Web Ouija
Mind over mouse - the Oracle speaks
¤ Word Warp
What words lie hidden in other words?
Find out with Word Warp
¤ YesUmNo
The voting game: should Carl cut his hair
do old brains turn to mush?
¤ Dens
Hidden in the Great Wall of China
chat with atmosphere
¤ Hat
Come see the tallest hat in the world!
¤ Prediction Train
Ride into the future! Leave predictions
and tell us if they'll come true