package samples {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.events.*;
// see the WoodPecker.as file located at the path below for instructions on installing classes
import com.danzen.effects.woodpecker.*;
// WoodPecker is a package of AS3 custom classes for animating MovieClips to sound
// MP3 and FLV sounds work - they must be on the same drive or look into crossdomain policy
// due to limitations in Flash, WoodPecker does not work with live sounds
// use the Microphone Class and the activityLevel property for live sounds
// WoodPecker works with all sounds currently playing - you cannot specify certain sounds
// http://woodpeckerflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
// if you are using WoodPecker for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
// animate by frequency (bass, mid, treble for instance) or by wave form
// animate one MovieClip or any number of clips
// animate different clips in one WoodPecker object
// You can have more than one WoodPecker object
// animate width, height, and alpha (any combination of these)
// animate other properties by not adding WoodPecker to the stage
// and using the alpha of WoodPecker (Number 0-1) to animate rotation or filter values
// set the x and y of the clips
// set the maximum and minimum size of the clips
// set the alpha and color of the clips
// set the blendMode and filters of the clips
// you can set these for each individual clip or to all the clips
// indeed, set any property of the clips by accessing the created MovieClip
// you can set whether people can drag the clips around
// this is handy for you as you set up WoodPecker because you can record the location of clips
// please make sure that com/danzen/effects/woodpecker/ is in a folder in your class path
// WoodPecker uses the com/danzen/utilities/DynamicObject.as file as well
// note: you do not animate MovieClips that are on the state - here are the steps:
// please see the example code below that shows these steps in operation
// 1. make a MovieClip in the library and under properties/linkage name set the Class name
// 2. pass that class name as well as other parameters to the new WoodPecker() (set dragable=true)
// 3. run your Flash and you will see objects created by WoodPecker
// 4. drag them around to the right places and then call the recordBeat() method
// 5. see the examples for how to do this with a KeyPress event
// 6. copy the traced setBeatObject() method call to the line after your WoodPecker object
// 7. run your Flash again and you will see that your settings are saved
// 8. from then on, you can make modifications to the individual beats
// 9. for instance, using a different Class, setting unique sizes or filters, etc.
// (if you are animating the alpha, make sure you have different beatSize and startSize)
// WoodPecker(theClip:Class, theType:Array, theNumBeats:Number=1, theSize:Number=100, theFrequency:Boolean=true, theDragable:Boolean=true):void
// constructor to start animating clips to sound
// theClip:Class
// a class such as a MovieClip in the library with its Class set under properties > linkage
// theType:Array
// an array of three Booleans for scale width, height, alpha based on beat amplitude i.e. [true, true, false]
// theNumBeats
// the number of instances that will be made from theClip Class
// theSize
// the size of theClip's largest animated width or height dimension
// theFrequency
// set to true if a frequency spectrum is tested - base, mid, treble
// set to false if a wave form is tested - provides more an even undulating effect
// theDragable:Boolean
// you can drag the clips around - this can be for interactivity or to record their positions
// no events
// setBeat(what:String, which:Number, amount:Object):void
// sets the specified property (what) for the specified beat (which) to the specified value
// properties to choose from are:
// "clip","x","y","alpha","color","blendMode","filters","beatSize","startSize"
// setAllBeats(what:String, amount:Object):void
// sets the specified property (what) of every beat to the specified value - see above for properties
// getBeats():Array
// gets an array of the beat clips
// getBeatAt(w:Number):Object
// gets a specific beat in the array
// setBeatObject(o:Object):void
// receives an object with all the properties above holding an Array each containing the values for the beats
// example: {clip:[Class1, Class2], x:[12, 34], y:[29, 44], alpha:[1, 1], etc. }
// getBeatObject():Object
// returns the object that holds all the properties above as arrays of values per beat
// recordBeat():void
// traces the code for the BeatObject so that you can hard code your initialized object
// dispose():void
// stops tracking beats and removes listeners, etc.
// displayOn:Boolean
// sets the alpha of each surregate clip to .5 so you can see them better during set up
public class Beautiful extends Sprite {
private var myPicture:Loader;
private var mySound:Sound;
private var myChannel:SoundChannel;
private var myBars:WoodPecker;
private var myBalls:WoodPecker;
private var myWoodPecker:WoodPecker;
public function Beautiful() {
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("beautiful.mp3"));
myChannel = mySound.play();
myChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, replay);
var clip:Class = Bar; // this is the class for your movieClip
var numBeats:Number = 40;
var size:Number = 100;
var type:Array = [false, true, false]; // scale width, height, alpha based on beat amplitude
var frequency:Boolean = true; // true for frequency and false for wave
var dragable:Boolean = false;
myBars = new WoodPecker(clip, type, numBeats, size, frequency, dragable);
myBars.x = 100;
myBars.y = 170;
clip = Ball; // this is the class for your movieClip
numBeats = 4;
size = 240;
type = [true, true, false]; // scale width, height, alpha based on beat amplitude
frequency = false; // otherwise wave
dragable = false;
myBalls = new WoodPecker(clip, type, numBeats, size, frequency, dragable);
myBalls.setAllBeats("filters",[new BlurFilter(10,10,3)]);
myBalls.alpha = .9
clip = WoodPeckerIcon; // this is the class for your movieClip
numBeats = 1;
size = 200;
type = [true, true, false]; // scale width, height, alpha based on beat amplitude
frequency = true; // true for frequency and false for wave
dragable = false;
myWoodPecker = new WoodPecker(clip, type, numBeats, size, frequency, dragable);
myWoodPecker.x = 620;
myWoodPecker.y = 250;
myWoodPecker.buttonMode = true;
myWoodPecker.tabEnabled = false;
myWoodPecker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, woodpeckerFlash);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyListener);
private function replay(e:Event) {
myChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, replay);
myChannel = mySound.play();
myChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, replay);
private function woodpeckerFlash(e:MouseEvent) {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://woodpeckerflash.wordpress.com"), "woodpecker");
private function keyListener(e:KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.keyCode == 82 && (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey)) { // R - Record
if (e.keyCode == 68 && (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey)) { // D - Display
myWoodPecker.displayOn = !myWoodPecker.displayOn;
package com.danzen.effects.woodpecker {
// WoodPecker lets you animate MovieClips in your Library to sound frequency
// http://woodpeckerflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
// if you are using WoodPecker for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
// suggested installation:
// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings
// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder
// put the provided com/danzen/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
// the readme has more information if you need it
// please make sure that com/danzen/effects/woodpecker/ is in a folder in your class path
// WoodPecker uses the com/danzen/utilities/DynamicObject.as file as well - so put that there too
// 1. make a MovieClip in the library and under properties/linkage name set the Class name
// 2. pass that class name as well as other parameters to the new WoodPecker() (set dragable=true)
// 3. run your Flash and you will see objects created by WoodPecker
// 4. drag them around to the right places and then call the recordBeat() method
// 5. see the examples for how to do this with a KeyPress event
// 6. copy the traced setBeatObject() method call to the line after your WoodPecker object
// 7. run your Flash again and you will see that your settings are saved
// 8. from then on, you can make modifications to the individual beats
// 9. for instance, using a different Class, setting unique sizes or filters, etc.
// (if you are animating the alpha, make sure you have different beatSize and startSize)
// there is a list of methods, events and properties below for reference
// see the example files that come with WoodPecker to see how to do the steps above
import flash.display.*
import flash.events.*
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Transform;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import fl.motion.Color;
import com.danzen.utilities.DynamicObject;
public class WoodPecker extends Sprite {
// WoodPecker(theClip:Class, theType:Array, theNumBeats:Number=1, theSize:Number=100, theFrequency:Boolean=true, theDragable:Boolean=true):void
// constructor to start animating clips to sound
// theClip:Class
// a class such as a MovieClip in the library with its Class set under properties > linkage
// theType:Array
// an array of three Booleans for scale width, height, alpha based on beat amplitude i.e. [true, true, false]
// theNumBeats
// the number of instances that will be made from theClip Class
// theSize
// the size of theClip's largest animated width or height dimension
// theFrequency
// set to true if a frequency spectrum is tested - base, mid, treble
// set to false if a wave form is tested - provides more an even undulating effect
// theDragable:Boolean
// you can drag the clips around - this can be for interactivity or to record their positions
// theMic:Boolean
// do you want to process sound from the mic - you need to make a microphone object in your code
// no events
// setBeat(what:String, which:Number, amount:Object):void
// sets the specified property (what) for the specified beat (which) to the specified value
// properties to choose from are:
// "clip","x","y","alpha","color","blendMode","filters","beatSize","startSize"
// setAllBeats(what:String, amount:Object):void
// sets the specified property (what) of every beat to the specified value - see above for properties
// getBeats():Array
// gets an array of the beat clips
// getBeatValues():Array
// gets an array of beat values before scaled - right from the divided compute spectrum
// getBeatAt(w:Number):Object
// gets a specific beat in the array
// setBeatObject(o:Object):void
// receives an object with all the properties above holding an Array each containing the values for the beats
// example: {clip:[Class1, Class2], x:[12, 34], y:[29, 44], alpha:[1, 1], etc. }
// getBeatObject():Object
// returns the object that holds all the properties above as arrays of values per beat
// recordBeat():void
// traces the code for the BeatObject so that you can hard code your initialized object
// dispose():void
// stops tracking beats and removes listeners, etc.
// displayOn:Boolean
// sets the alpha of each surregate clip to .5 so you can see them better during set up
private var myClip:Class;
private var myNumBeats:Number;
private var mySize:Number;
private var myType:Array;
private var myFrequency:Boolean;
private var myDragable:Boolean;
private var myBeat:SoundBeat;
private var myHolder:Sprite;
private var myBeats:Sprite;
private var myMenus:Sprite;
private var menuArray:Array = [];
private var myTimer;Timer;
private var beatArray:Array = [];
private var beatObject:Object;
private var myValues:Array = [];
private var bList:Array = ["clip","x","y","alpha","color","blendMode","filters","beatSize","startSize"];
private var currentDrag:Object;
private var myDisplayOn:Boolean = false;
private var myMic:Boolean = false;
private var mySlow:Number;
private var myGain:Number;
private var myDamp:Number;
private var myCount:Number=0;
public function WoodPecker (
theDamp:Number=0) {
trace ("hi from WoodPecker");
myClip = theClip;
myNumBeats = theNumBeats;
mySize = theSize;
myType = theType;
myFrequency = theFrequency;
myDragable = theDragable;
myMic = theMic;
myGain = theGain;
mySlow = theSlow;
myDamp = theDamp;
tabChildren = false;
tabEnabled = false;
myHolder = new Sprite();
myBeats = new Sprite();
myMenus = new Sprite();
var space = 10;
for (var i:uint=0; i 0) {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animate);
private function animate(e:Event):void {
var thisBeat:MovieClip;
var diff:Number;
for (var i:uint=0; i 0) {
if (myType[0] && myType[1]) { // keep proportion
if (menuArray[i].width > menuArray[i].height) {
oldW = menuArray[i].width;
beatArray[i].desiredW = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
beatArray[i].desiredH = menuArray[i].height * beatArray[i].desiredW / oldW;
} else {
oldH = menuArray[i].height;
beatArray[i].desiredH = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
beatArray[i].desiredW = menuArray[i].width * beatArray[i].desiredH / oldH;
} else {
if (myType[0]) {
beatArray[i].desiredW = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
if (myType[1]) {
beatArray[i].desiredW = beatArray[i].width;
beatArray[i].desiredH = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
if (myType[3]) {
beatArray[i].desiredR = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
} else {
if (myType[0] && myType[1]) { // keep proportion
if (menuArray[i].width > menuArray[i].height) {
oldW = menuArray[i].width;
beatArray[i].width = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
beatArray[i].height = menuArray[i].height * beatArray[i].width / oldW;
} else {
oldH = menuArray[i].height;
beatArray[i].height = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
beatArray[i].width = menuArray[i].width * beatArray[i].height / oldH;
} else {
if (myType[0]) {
beatArray[i].width = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
if (myType[1]) {
beatArray[i].height = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
if (myType[3]) {
beatArray[i].rotation = startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor / mySize;
if (myType[2]) {
beatArray[i].alpha = (startFactor + myValues[i] * scaleFactor) / beatObject["beatSize"][i] / mySize;
private function setClip(w:Number, a:Object) {
if (!a) {return;}
var tempTransform;
var clip;
var clip2;
tempTransform = beatArray[w].transform.matrix;
clip = new a();
clip2 = new a();
if (myDragable) {
menuArray[w].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
menuArray[w].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
beatArray[w] = clip;
menuArray[w] = clip2;
clip.transform.matrix = tempTransform;
clip2.transform.matrix = tempTransform;
clip2.alpha = 0;
if (myDragable) {
clip2.mouseChildren = false;
clip2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
clip2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
clip2.buttonMode = true;
clip2.mate = clip;
clip.num = w;
clip2.num = w
private function setBeatProperties() {
var b = {};
for (var i:uint=0; i 1) {
temp = temp[1].substr(0,-1);
} else {
temp = "";
beatConverted["clip"][i] = temp;
if ( beatObject["filters"][i]) {
temp = beatObject["filters"][i].toString().split(" ");
if (temp.length > 1) {
temp = "[new "+temp[1].substr(0,-1)+"()]";
} else {
temp = "";
} else {
temp = "";
beatConverted["filters"][i] = temp;
for (i=0; i 0) {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animate);
public function dispose():void {
trace ("bye from WoodPecker");
myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, follow);
myBeat.removeEventListener(SoundBeatEvent.PROCESS_SOUND, processBeat);