package samples {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.filters.*;
// see the Penguin.as file located at the path below for instructions on installing classes
import com.danzen.interfaces.Penguin;
// Penguin is a simple class that retreives XML specifying tilt and translation
// an event is set to tell us when these have changed
// and properties for roll, pitch, yaw and translation x, y, and z are provided
// http://penguinsflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
// if you are using Penguin for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
// Various mobile hardware / software might provide tilt and translation data
// this could be an accelerometer or a camera with motion detection
// to get your Flash project ready for such data Penguin was created
// Penguin provides a Tilt Emulator that you can operate instead of your mobile device
// there are three setups exemplified: samples, samples_pop and samples_cuddle as follows:
// 1. samples folder
// In the sample folder is the Penguin Tilt Emulator AIR file
// double click this to install and run the emulator
// you will need Adobe AIR which runs Flash files as desktop applications
// AIR takes less than a minute to install and is quite automatic
// the emulator lets you tilt a "device" in 3D in two modes and two orientations
// tilt and translation data from the emulator is written to your Application Directory
// the emulator tells you at the bottom the URL of this XML file (tilt.xml)
// this set up is more real than the two set ups detailed next
// if you can get real data to be written to the XML then your Flash is ready to go!
// 2. samples_pop folder
// use this or the next setup to show someone on the Web how this might work
// when the viewer runs the sample html and swf, a window with an emulator swf pops up
// 3. sampes_cuddle folder
// again, this works for the Web as the sample and the emulator swf are on the same page
// these last two setups sort of take away from the purpose of Penguin
// Penguin is to let you visualize and test tilt and translation applications
// ideally, your application will connect to real tilt and translation data
// please make sure that the provided com folder is in a folder in your class path
// **** do not put the com folder in your class path
// but rather, for instance, make a classes folder and add that to your class path
// then put the com folder in the classes folder
// and make sure that the danzen/interfaces/ folder with Penguin.as is in com
// see the Penguin.as file or the readme.txt for details
// Penguin(xmlPath:String):void
// constructor to connect to an XML file that has tilt and/or translation data
// xmlPath:String
// the file path to the tilt XML - for instance left by the emulator
// ideally, this would be created by a Java program on your mobile device
// could be a URL but this is not ideal due to latency
// most likely it will be on the same computer / device so connection is fast
// there is no need for sockets which are for connection between servers
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when motion starts (this is at any motion start as the applicatin runs)
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when there has been no motion in motionInterval seconds (see getter setter methods)
// Event.CHANGE
// dispatched when the tilt file is read - every period seconds - so not necessarily a change
// transposeValue(a:String, b:String):void
// if the data coming in is not how you want to work with it
// for instance, you want pitch to be -pitch or roll to be yaw...
// a is the original data which will be changed to values from b
// properties you change are roll pitch yaw forward right down
// you can also specify negatives like transposeValue("pitch", "-yaw");
// see the method for more info
// dispose():void
// stops tracking beats and removes listeners, etc.
// view:String - sets or gets emulator view - default "top" other values: "front"
// orientation:String - sets or gets emulator orientation default "vertical" other values: "horizontal"
// roll:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the forward direction
// pitch:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the right direction
// yaw:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the down direction
// forward:Number - (read only) direction of travel or user's view
// right:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward direction and laterally to the right
// down:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward and right and in the down direction
// tiltUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "degrees"
// translationUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "screens"
// xmlData:XML - (read only) - the full XML from the emulator
// transposeList:Array - sets or gets a list of transpositions (alternative to transposeValue method)
// motionInterval:Number - sets or gets seconds of no motion before the STOP_MOTION event is triggered
// MOTION_START:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_START) for motion start event
// MOTION_STOP:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_STOP) for motion stop event
public class TiltBall extends MovieClip {
private var myPenguin:Penguin;
private var myBall:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var moveX:Number = 0;
private var moveY:Number = 0;
private var sW:Number;
private var sH:Number;
private var speed:Number = 1;
public function TiltBall() {
// create a Penguin object to track tilt and translation data
// this data comes from an XML file of tiltML format
// pass the file path to this data file into the Penguin object as a parameter
// The Penguin Tilt Emulator tells you the path at the bottom of the screen
// **** so you must get that URL and paste it as the value for myFile below
// if you are getting data created from another program put that path here
var myFile:String = "file:///C:/somepath/tilt.xml";
myPenguin = new Penguin(myFile);
myPenguin.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, doTilt);
// create the ball and an animate ENTER_FRAME Event
myBall.x = 300;
myBall.y = 200;
myBall.filters = [new GlowFilter(0x000000, 1, 30, 30, .8, 3, true)];
sW = stage.stageWidth;
sH = stage.stageHeight;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doAnimation);
private function doTilt(e:Event) {
// retrieve the roll and pitch properties
// adjust the move variables which will be used in the animate function
moveX = e.target.roll;
moveY = e.target.pitch;
private function doAnimation(e:Event) {
// use the move variables from the tilt data
// multiply it times a speed factor
// apply limits to the movement
// this is very basic - you can use physics (see cove's APE classes)
// a sampe swf file is provided as an example of what physics would be like
myBall.x += moveX * speed;
myBall.y += moveY * speed;
if (myBall.x > sW-myBall.width/2) {myBall.x = sW-myBall.width/2;}
if (myBall.y > sH-myBall.width/2) {myBall.y = sH-myBall.width/2;}
if (myBall.x < 0+myBall.width/2) {myBall.x = myBall.width/2;}
if (myBall.y < 0+myBall.width/2) {myBall.y = myBall.width/2;}
package com.danzen.interfaces.penguin {
// Penguin is a system where you can emulate mobile device rotation and translation in Flash
// this lets you create "tilt" applications independent from the technology
// for instance, rolling a ball around in a maze or steering a car on a mobile device
// the emulator leaves the data, this class reads it and passes it to your Flash application
// so if you can get something to leave the data for you, your application is ready to roll!
// http://penguinsflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
// if you are using Penguin for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
// suggested installation:
// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings
// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder
// put the provided com/danzen/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
// the readme has more information if you need it
// please make sure that the following files are in a folder in your class path:
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/Penguin.as
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/PenguinPop.as
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/PenguinCuddle.as
// com/danzen/utilities/Falcon.as
// the three penguin classes are alternatives and act independently
// the Penguin.as file uses Falcon.as but the other two do not
// Penguin
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples folder
// in this version, you double click and install the penguinTiltEmulator.air file
// you will need AIR from http://adobe.com it is free and fast to install
// the emulator writes XML on to your computer to simulate a device writing data
// the data is in the form of TiltML or Tilt Markup Language
// http://tiltml.wordpress.com
// Flash then reads in the XML and you power your motion from it
// see the diagrams that come with Penguin to better understand the data
// this is roll pitch yaw forward right down data
// any samples that make use of physics engines are presented as swf files only
// they use the APE physics engine available at http://www.cove.org/ape/
// PenguinPop
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples_pop folder
// in this version, the tilt emulator is popped up in a new window
// communication with your Flash application is through the LocalConnection class
// it can be used to show people in the Web your prototype
// but it does not read in an XML file so will not be optimal for a real application
// PenguinCuddle
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples_cuddle folder
// here, the tilt emulator is loaded into a holder swf file along with your application
// communication with your Flash application is through a "global" variable
// like PenguinPop it can be used to show people in the Web your prototype
// but it does not read in an XML file so will not be optimal for a real application
// there is a list of methods, events and properties below for reference
// see the example files that come with Penguin to see how to use Penguin
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import com.danzen.utilities.Falcon;
public class Penguin extends Sprite {
// Penguin(theFilePath:String):void
// constructor to start read the XML left by the AIR PenguinTiltEmulator
// your application can start before or after you run the Emulator
// but there will be no data unless the Emulator is running
// theFilePath:String
// the file path to the XML file the emulator writes to
// the AIR Penguin Emulator gives you the path at the bottom in a field
// it is usually in some application data directory
// if you are on a mobile device and Java for instance is writing the XML
// then you would use the path to that XML file
// see http://tiltml.wordpress.com for the format and discussion
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when motion starts (this is at any motion start as the applicatin runs)
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when there has been no motion in motionInterval seconds (see getter setter methods)
// Event.CHANGE
// dispatched when the tilt file is read - every period seconds - so not necessarily a change
// transposeValue(a:String, b:String):void
// if the data coming in is not how you want to work with it
// for instance, you want pitch to be -pitch or roll to be yaw...
// a is the original data which will be changed to values from b
// properties you change are roll pitch yaw forward right down
// you can also specify negatives like transposeValue("pitch", "-yaw");
// see the method for more info
// dispose():void
// stops tracking beats and removes listeners, etc.
// view:String - sets or gets emulator view - default "top" other values: "front"
// orientation:String - sets or gets emulator orientation default "vertical" other values: "horizontal"
// roll:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the forward direction
// pitch:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the right direction
// yaw:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the down direction
// forward:Number - (read only) direction of travel or user's view
// right:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward direction and laterally to the right
// down:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward and right and in the down direction
// tiltUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "degrees"
// translationUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "screens"
// xmlData:XML - (read only) - the full XML from the emulator
// transposeList:Array - sets or gets a list of transpositions (alternative to transposeValue method)
// motionInterval:Number - sets or gets seconds of no motion before the STOP_MOTION event is triggered
// MOTION_START:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_START) for motion start event
// MOTION_STOP:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_STOP) for motion stop event
public static const MOTION_START:String = "motion start";
public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motion stop";
public var view:String = "top";
public var orientation:String = "vertical";
public var roll:Number = 0;
public var pitch:Number = 0;
public var yaw:Number = 0;
public var forward:Number = 0;
public var right:Number = 0;
public var down:Number = 0;
public var tiltUnits:String = "degrees";
public var translationUnits:String = "screens";
public var xmlData:XML;
public var transposeList:Array;
private var myTimer:Timer;
private var myFalcon:Falcon;
private var filePath:String;
private var dataNames:Array = ["pitch","roll","yaw","forward","right","down"];
// variables for stop and start detection
private var motionState:String = Penguin.MOTION_START;
private var motionLast:Array = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
private var motionCount:Number = 0;
private var period:Number = 200;// ms between tilt data readings
private var myMotionInterval:Number = 1;// seconds of no motion until stop is determined
private var loopModulus:Number;
public function Penguin(theFilePath:String="tiltml.xml") {
filePath = theFilePath;
trace("hi from Penguin");
trace("analyzing: " + filePath);
transposeList = dataNames.concat();
myTimer = new Timer(period);
private function getData(e:TimerEvent) {
if (myFalcon) {
myFalcon = new Falcon(filePath,Falcon.XML_DATA);
private function doTilt(e:Event) {
if (e.target.error) {
xmlData = e.target.data;
view = xmlData.view;
orientation = xmlData.orientation;// sorry for the keyword ;-(
pitch = xmlData.tilt. @ pitch;
roll = xmlData.tilt. @ roll;
yaw = xmlData.tilt. @ yaw;
forward = xmlData.translation. @ forward;
right = xmlData.translation. @ right;
down = xmlData.translation. @ down;
tiltUnits = xmlData.tilt. @ units;
translationUnits = xmlData.translation. @ units;
// check for transposition
if (dataNames.toString() != transposeList.toString()) {
var len:uint = dataNames.length;
var orig:Array = [];
// store the originals
for (var i:uint = 0; i < len; i++) {
var val:String;
var val2:String;
var sign:Number = 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (dataNames[i] == transposeList[i]) {
val = transposeList[i];
val2 = val.replace(/-\s*/g,"");
if (val != val2) {
sign = -1;
this[dataNames[i]] = sign * orig[dataNames.indexOf(val2)];
// check for motion start and stop
if (motionState == PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP) {
if (! compareArray([roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down],motionLast)) {
motionState = PenguinPop.MOTION_START;
motionCount = 0;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PenguinPop.MOTION_START));
motionLast = [roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down];
} else {
if (motionCount % loopModulus == 0) {
if (compareArray([roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down],motionLast)) {
motionState = PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP));
motionLast = [roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down];
function compareArray(a1,a2) {
var checkArray:Boolean = true;
var len:Number = a1.length;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {
checkArray = false;
return checkArray;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function transposeValue(a:String,b:String) {
// a is the original data which will be changed to b
// for instance to change pitch to be the value from yaw
// transpose("pitch", "yaw")
// this does not swap the values as you will rarely want to do that
// original data names are pitch roll yaw forward right down
// you can also change to a negative like so:
// transpose("pitch","-pitch"); // or transpose("down","-forward");
// now the transposeList stores the b value
// that corresponds to the value in the dataNames
// the transposeList is used to transpose the data in the doTilt function
transposeList[dataNames.indexOf(a)] = b;
public function set motionInterval(s:Number):void {
// how many seconds does motion have to be the same for MOTION_STOP to trigger
myMotionInterval = s;
loopModulus = Math.max(1,Math.floor(myMotionInterval * 1000 / period));
public function get motionInterval():Number {
return myMotionInterval;
public function dispose() {
myTimer = null;
package com.danzen.interfaces.penguin {
// Penguin is a system where you can emulate mobile device rotation and translation in Flash
// this lets you create "tilt" applications independent from the technology
// for instance, rolling a ball around in a maze or steering a car on a mobile device
// the emulator leaves the data, this class reads it and passes it to your Flash application
// so if you can get something to leave the data for you, your application is ready to roll!
// http://penguinsflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
// if you are using Penguin for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
// suggested installation:
// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings
// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder
// put the provided com/danzen/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
// the readme has more information if you need it
// please make sure that the following files are in a folder in your class path:
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/Penguin.as
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/PenguinPop.as
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/PenguinCuddle.as
// com/danzen/utilities/Falcon.as
// the three penguin classes are alternatives and act independently
// the Penguin.as file uses Falcon.as but the other two do not
// Penguin
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples folder
// in this version, you double click and install the penguinTiltEmulator.air file
// you will need AIR from http://adobe.com it is free and fast to install
// the emulator writes XML on to your computer to simulate a device writing data
// the data is in the form of TiltML or Tilt Markup Language
// http://tiltml.wordpress.com
// Flash then reads in the XML and you power your motion from it
// see the diagrams that come with Penguin to better understand the data
// this is roll pitch yaw forward right down data
// any samples that make use of physics engines are presented as swf files only
// they use the APE physics engine available at http://www.cove.org/ape/
// PenguinPop
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples_pop folder
// in this version, the tilt emulator is popped up in a new window
// communication with your Flash application is through the LocalConnection class
// it can be used to show people in the Web your prototype
// but it does not read in an XML file so will not be optimal for a real application
// PenguinCuddle
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples_cuddle folder
// here, the tilt emulator is loaded into a holder swf file along with your application
// communication with your Flash application is through a "global" variable
// like PenguinPop it can be used to show people in the Web your prototype
// but it does not read in an XML file so will not be optimal for a real application
// there is a list of methods, events and properties below for reference
// see the example files that come with Penguin to see how to use Penguin
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.LocalConnection;
import flash.utils.Timer;
public class PenguinCuddle extends Sprite {
// PenguinCuddle(theView:String="top", theOrientation:String="vertical", theFreedom:String="two"):void
// constructor to set the Tilt emulator settings
// this is different than the Penguin constructor
// Penguin is a for you testing your application so you control the emulator
// Here, you are displaying your prototype on the Web
// so you probably want to start the emulator in the right view, orientation and freedom
// theView:String
// - default "top" other values: "front"
// - top view looks down on the device with the screen parallel to the ground
// - front view is holding the device up in front of you with screen perpendicular to the ground
// theOrientation:String
// - default "vertical" other values: "horizontal"
// - just the way the screen is oriented
// - depending on your device, this may or may not be important to your readings
// - if there is an issue you can always transpose your data
// theFreedom:String
// - default "two" other values: "one"
// - are you in two plane tilt mode or one plane rotation mode
// - this is just an tilt emulator interface issue so does not effect data
// - it was just easier to navigate if we separate out the perpendicular axis
// Event.CONNECT
// the emulator is ready for setting view, orientation and freedom
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when motion starts (this is at any motion start as the applicatin runs)
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when there has been no motion in motionInterval seconds (see getter setter methods)
// Event.CHANGE
// dispatched when the emulator sends data
// transposeValue(a:String, b:String):void
// if the data coming in is not how you want to work with it
// for instance, you want pitch to be -pitch or roll to be yaw...
// a is the original data which will be changed to values from b
// properties you change are roll pitch yaw forward right down
// you can also specify negatives like transposeValue("pitch", "-yaw");
// see the method for more info
// setView(v:String):void
// sets the emulator view - v can be either "top" or "front"
// setOrientation(o:String):void
// sets the orientation on the emulator - o can be "horizontal" or "vertical"
// setFreedom(f:String):void
// sets the freedom on the emulator - f can be "one" or "two"
// dispose():void
// stops tracking beats and removes listeners, etc.
// view:String - sets or gets emulator view - default "top" other values: "front"
// orientation:String - sets or gets emulator orientation default "vertical" other values: "horizontal"
// roll:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the forward direction
// pitch:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the right direction
// yaw:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the down direction
// forward:Number - (read only) direction of travel or user's view
// right:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward direction and laterally to the right
// down:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward and right and in the down direction
// tiltUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "degrees"
// translationUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "screens"
// xmlData:XML - (read only) - the full XML from the emulator
// transposeList:Array - sets or gets a list of transpositions (alternative to transposeValue method)
// motionInterval:Number - sets or gets seconds of no motion before the STOP_MOTION event is triggered
// MOTION_START:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_START) for motion start event
// MOTION_STOP:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_STOP) for motion stop event
public static const MOTION_START:String = "motion start";
public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motion stop";
public var view:String = "top";
public var orientation:String = "vertical";
public var roll:Number = 0;
public var pitch:Number = 0;
public var yaw:Number = 0;
public var forward:Number = 0;
public var right:Number = 0;
public var down:Number = 0;
public var tiltUnits:String = "degrees";
public var translationUnits:String = "screens";
public var xmlData:XML;
public var transposeList:Array;
private var myConnectionSend:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
private var myTimer:Timer;
private var dataNames:Array = ["pitch", "roll", "yaw", "forward", "right", "down"];
private var myView:String;
private var myOrientation:String;
private var myFreedom:String;
private var motionState:String = PenguinCuddle.MOTION_START;
private var motionLast:Array = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
private var motionCount:Number = 0;
private var period:Number = 200; // ms between tilt data readings
private var myMotionInterval:Number = 1; // seconds of no motion until stop is determined
private var loopModulus:Number;
public function PenguinCuddle(
theView:String = "top",
theOrientation:String = "vertical",
theFreedom:String = "two"
) {
trace ("hi from PenguinCuddle");
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, getTiltData);
myView = theView;
myOrientation = theOrientation;
myFreedom = theFreedom;
transposeList = dataNames.concat();
myTimer = new Timer(200);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkEmulator);
myConnectionSend.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
public function checkEmulator(e:TimerEvent) {
if (!MovieClip.prototype.myXML) {return;}
myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkEmulator);
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
private function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void {
switch (event.level) {
case "status" :
//trace("LocalConnection.send() succeeded");
case "error" :
//trace("LocalConnection.send() failed");
public function getTiltData(e:Event) {
var xmlData:XML;
if (!MovieClip.prototype.myXML) {return;}
xmlData = XML(MovieClip.prototype.myXML);
view = xmlData.view;
orientation = xmlData.orientation;
roll = xmlData.tilt.@roll;
pitch = xmlData.tilt.@pitch;
yaw = xmlData.tilt.@yaw;
forward = xmlData.translation.@forward;
right = xmlData.translation.@right;
down = xmlData.translation.@down;
tiltUnits = xmlData.tilt.@units;
translationUnits = xmlData.translation.@units;
// check for transposition
if (dataNames.toString() != transposeList.toString()) {
var len:uint = dataNames.length;
var orig:Array = [];
// store the originals
for (var i:uint = 0; i < len; i++) {
var val:String;
var val2:String;
var sign:Number = 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (dataNames[i] == transposeList[i]) {continue;}
val = transposeList[i];
val2 = val.replace(/-\s*/g, "");
if (val != val2) {
sign = -1;
this[dataNames[i]] = sign * orig[dataNames.indexOf(val2)];
// check for motion start and stop
if (motionState == PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP) {
if (!compareArray([roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down], motionLast)) {
motionState = PenguinPop.MOTION_START;
motionCount = 0;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PenguinPop.MOTION_START));
motionLast = [roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down];
} else {
if (motionCount % loopModulus == 0) {
if (compareArray([roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down], motionLast)) {
motionState = PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP));
motionLast = [roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down];
function compareArray(a1,a2) {
var checkArray:Boolean = true;
var len:Number = a1.length;
for (var i:uint=0; i<len; i++) {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {checkArray = false; break;}
return checkArray;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function setView(v:String):void {
myConnectionSend.send("Emulator", "setView", myView);
public function setOrientation(o:String):void {
myConnectionSend.send("Emulator", "setOrientation", myOrientation);
public function setFreedom(f:String):void {
myConnectionSend.send("Emulator", "setFreedom", myFreedom);
public function transposeValue(a:String, b:String) {
// a is the original data which will be changed to b
// for instance to change pitch to be the value from yaw
// transpose("pitch", "yaw")
// this does not swap the values as you will rarely want to do that
// original data names are pitch roll yaw forward right down
// you can also change to a negative like so:
// transpose("pitch","-pitch"); // or transpose("down","-forward");
// now the transposeList stores the b value
// that corresponds to the value in the dataNames
// the transposeList is used to transpose the data in the doTilt function
transposeList[dataNames.indexOf(a)] = b;
public function set motionInterval(s:Number):void { // how many seconds does motion have to be the same for MOTION_STOP
myMotionInterval = s;
loopModulus = Math.max(1, Math.floor(myMotionInterval * 1000 / period));
public function get motionInterval():Number {
return myMotionInterval;
public function dispose() {
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, getTiltData);
package com.danzen.interfaces.penguin {
// Penguin is a system where you can emulate mobile device rotation and translation in Flash
// this lets you create "tilt" applications independent from the technology
// for instance, rolling a ball around in a maze or steering a car on a mobile device
// the emulator leaves the data, this class reads it and passes it to your Flash application
// so if you can get something to leave the data for you, your application is ready to roll!
// http://penguinsflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
// if you are using Penguin for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
// suggested installation:
// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings
// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder
// put the provided com/danzen/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
// the readme has more information if you need it
// please make sure that the following files are in a folder in your class path:
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/Penguin.as
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/PenguinPop.as
// com/danzen/interfaces/penguin/PenguinCuddle.as
// com/danzen/utilities/Falcon.as
// the three penguin classes are alternatives and act independently
// the Penguin.as file uses Falcon.as but the other two do not
// Penguin
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples folder
// in this version, you double click and install the penguinTiltEmulator.air file
// you will need AIR from http://adobe.com it is free and fast to install
// the emulator writes XML on to your computer to simulate a device writing data
// the data is in the form of TiltML or Tilt Markup Language
// http://tiltml.wordpress.com
// Flash then reads in the XML and you power your motion from it
// see the diagrams that come with Penguin to better understand the data
// this is roll pitch yaw forward right down data
// any samples that make use of physics engines are presented as swf files only
// they use the APE physics engine available at http://www.cove.org/ape/
// PenguinPop
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples_pop folder
// in this version, the tilt emulator is popped up in a new window
// communication with your Flash application is through the LocalConnection class
// it can be used to show people in the Web your prototype
// but it does not read in an XML file so will not be optimal for a real application
// PenguinCuddle
// Examples using Penguin are in the samples_cuddle folder
// here, the tilt emulator is loaded into a holder swf file along with your application
// communication with your Flash application is through a "global" variable
// like PenguinPop it can be used to show people in the Web your prototype
// but it does not read in an XML file so will not be optimal for a real application
// there is a list of methods, events and properties below for reference
// see the example files that come with Penguin to see how to use Penguin
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.LocalConnection;
public class PenguinPop extends Sprite {
// PenguinPop(theView:String="top", theOrientation:String="vertical", theFreedom:String="two"):void
// constructor to set the Tilt emulator settings in the pop-up
// this is different than the Penguin constructor
// Penguin is a for you testing your application so you control the emulator
// Here, you are displaying your prototype on the Web
// so you probably want to start the emulator in the right view, orientation and freedom
// theView:String
// - default "top" other values: "front"
// - top view looks down on the device with the screen parallel to the ground
// - front view is holding the device up in front of you with screen perpendicular to the ground
// theOrientation:String
// - default "vertical" other values: "horizontal"
// - just the way the screen is oriented
// - depending on your device, this may or may not be important to your readings
// - if there is an issue you can always transpose your data
// theFreedom:String
// - default "two" other values: "one"
// - are you in two plane tilt mode or one plane rotation mode
// - this is just an tilt emulator interface issue so does not effect data
// - it was just easier to navigate if we separate out the perpendicular axis
// Event.CONNECT
// the emulator in the pop up window is ready for setting view, orientation and freedom
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when motion starts (this is at any motion start as the applicatin runs)
// PenguinPop.MOTION_START
// dispatched when there has been no motion in motionInterval seconds (see getter setter methods)
// Event.CHANGE
// dispatched when the emulator sends data
// transposeValue(a:String, b:String):void
// if the data coming in is not how you want to work with it
// for instance, you want pitch to be -pitch or roll to be yaw...
// a is the original data which will be changed to values from b
// properties you change are roll pitch yaw forward right down
// you can also specify negatives like transposeValue("pitch", "-yaw");
// see the method for more info
// setView(v:String):void
// sets the emulator view - v can be either "top" or "front"
// setOrientation(o:String):void
// sets the orientation on the emulator - o can be "horizontal" or "vertical"
// setFreedom(f:String):void
// sets the freedom on the emulator - f can be "one" or "two"
// dispose():void
// stops tracking beats and removes listeners, etc.
// view:String - sets or gets emulator view - default "top" other values: "front"
// orientation:String - sets or gets emulator orientation default "vertical" other values: "horizontal"
// roll:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the forward direction
// pitch:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the right direction
// yaw:Number - (read only) clockwise rotation around the down direction
// forward:Number - (read only) direction of travel or user's view
// right:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward direction and laterally to the right
// down:Number - (read only) direction perpendicular to the forward and right and in the down direction
// tiltUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "degrees"
// translationUnits:String - (read only) default for the Penguin emulator is "screens"
// xmlData:XML - (read only) - the full XML from the emulator
// transposeList:Array - sets or gets a list of transpositions (alternative to transposeValue method)
// motionInterval:Number - sets or gets seconds of no motion before the STOP_MOTION event is triggered
// MOTION_START:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_START) for motion start event
// MOTION_STOP:String - static constant (Penguin.MOTION_STOP) for motion stop event
public static const MOTION_START:String = "motion start";
public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motion stop";
public var view:String;
public var orientation:String;
public var roll:Number = 0;
public var pitch:Number = 0;
public var yaw:Number = 0;
public var forward:Number = 0;
public var right:Number = 0;
public var down:Number = 0;
public var tiltUnits:String = "degrees";
public var translationUnits:String = "screens";
public var xmlData:XML;
public var transposeList:Array;
private var myConnectionSend:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
private var myConnectionReceive:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
private var dataNames:Array = ["pitch", "roll", "yaw", "forward", "right", "down"];
private var disposeCheck = false;
private var myView:String;
private var myOrientation:String;
private var myFreedom:String;
// motion start and stop variables
private var motionState:String = PenguinPop.MOTION_START;
private var motionLast:Array = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
private var motionCount:Number = 0;
private var period:Number = 200; // ms between tilt data readings
private var myMotionInterval:Number = 1; // seconds of no motion until stop is determined
private var loopModulus:Number;
public function PenguinPop(
theView:String = "top",
theOrientation:String = "vertical",
theFreedom:String = "two"
) {
// PenguinPop communicates via LocalConnection
myConnectionReceive.client = this;
myConnectionSend.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
myView = theView;
myOrientation = theOrientation;
myFreedom = theFreedom;
transposeList = dataNames.concat();
trace ("hi from PenguinPop");
public function emulatorReady() {
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
private function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void {
switch (event.level) {
case "status" :
trace("LocalConnection.send() succeeded");
case "error" :
trace("LocalConnection.send() failed");
public function getTiltData(xmlData:XML) {
if (disposeCheck) {return;}
view = xmlData.view;
orientation = xmlData.orientation;
roll = xmlData.tilt.@roll;
pitch = xmlData.tilt.@pitch;
yaw = xmlData.tilt.@yaw;
forward = xmlData.translation.@forward;
right = xmlData.translation.@right;
down = xmlData.translation.@down;
tiltUnits = xmlData.tilt.@units;
translationUnits = xmlData.translation.@units;
// check for transposition
if (dataNames.toString() != transposeList.toString()) {
var len:uint = dataNames.length;
var orig:Array = [];
// store the originals
for (var i:uint = 0; i < len; i++) {
var val:String;
var val2:String;
var sign:Number = 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (dataNames[i] == transposeList[i]) {continue;}
val = transposeList[i];
val2 = val.replace(/-\s*/g, "");
if (val != val2) {
sign = -1;
this[dataNames[i]] = sign * orig[dataNames.indexOf(val2)];
// check for motion stop and start
if (motionState == PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP) {
if (!compareArray([roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down], motionLast)) {
motionState = PenguinPop.MOTION_START;
motionCount = 0;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PenguinPop.MOTION_START));
motionLast = [roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down];
} else {
if (motionCount % loopModulus == 0) {
if (compareArray([roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down], motionLast)) {
motionState = PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PenguinPop.MOTION_STOP));
motionLast = [roll,pitch,yaw,forward,right,down];
function compareArray(a1,a2) {
var checkArray:Boolean = true;
var len:Number = a1.length;
for (var i:uint=0; i<len; i++) {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {checkArray = false; break;}
return checkArray;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function setView(v:String):void {
myConnectionSend.send("Emulator", "setView", myView);
public function setOrientation(o:String):void {
myConnectionSend.send("Emulator", "setOrientation", myOrientation);
public function setFreedom(f:String):void {
myConnectionSend.send("Emulator", "setFreedom", myFreedom);
public function transposeValue(a:String, b:String) {
// a is the original data which will be changed to b
// for instance to change pitch to be the value from yaw
// transpose("pitch", "yaw")
// this does not swap the values as you will rarely want to do that
// original data names are pitch roll yaw forward right down
// you can also change to a negative like so:
// transpose("pitch","-pitch"); // or transpose("down","-forward");
// now the transposeList stores the b value
// that corresponds to the value in the dataNames
// the transposeList is used to transpose the data in the doTilt function
transposeList[dataNames.indexOf(a)] = b;
public function set motionInterval(s:Number):void { // how many seconds does motion have to be the same for MOTION_STOP
myMotionInterval = s;
loopModulus = Math.max(1, Math.floor(myMotionInterval * 1000 / period));
public function get motionInterval():Number {
return myMotionInterval;
public function dispose() {
disposeCheck = true; // just stops dispatching