pannellist = new Array(_root.workshop, _root.workshop2, _root.workshop3, _root.workshop4)
pannelname = new Array("1.swf", "2.swf", "3.swf", "4.swf")
var pannelnumber = 0
var talkcheck = 0
var glowcheck = 0
var glowcheck2 = 0
var glownumber = 1
var warning = 0
var warningpannel = 0
var tip = 0
var pannelloading = 0
var pannelloaded = 0
var thisloaded = 0
duplicateMovieClip (_root.glow, "glow2", 4);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.kirputnik, "kirputnik2", 6);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.talkzap, "talkzap2", 8);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.dial, "dial2", 10);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.greenlight, "greenlight2", 12);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.redlight, "redlight2", 14);
_root.glow2.gotoAndPlay( 60 )
_root.redlight2._x = 461
_root.greenlight2._x = 1000
var glowcheck2 = 1
///////// start up subroutines ////////// see also pannel loader script for loading movies //////
function pannelnotloaded ( p ) {
if ((p > 1 && _root.warning <> 2) || _root.talkcheck == 1) {return;} //only get message when warning is turned on
if (Math.floor( _root.pannellist[p-1].getBytesLoaded() - _root.thisloaded) > 5000) {
_root.thisloaded = _root.pannellist[p-1].getBytesLoaded()
_root.loadleft = Math.floor((_root.pannellist[p-1].getBytesTotal() - _root.thisloaded) / 1000)
//keep number to max of digits so centered text does not jump
_root.loadleft = "000000" + _root.loadleft
if (_root.loadleft.length > _root.maxdig) {_root.maxdig = _root.loadleft.length;}
_root.loadlength2 = _root.maxdig - 6
_root.loadleft = _root.loadleft.substr( _root.loadleft.length - _root.loadlength2, _root.loadlength2 )
if (p == 1) {
_root.kirputnik2.talk = "GREETINGS\nI am Kirputnik, Dan Zen's Webmaster Robot. Please wait for my capacitors:\n" + _root.loadleft + "K..."
} else {
_root.kirputnik2.talk = "KIRPUTNIK PAUSE!\nPlease look around while I discharge the next field gate:\n" + _root.loadleft + "K...";
function firstpannelloaded () {
_root.glow2.gotoAndPlay( 61 )
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
_root.greenlight2._x = 461
glowcheck2 = 0
tiplist = new Array(
"DAN ZEN'S LAB!\nUse the controls at left to view the lab. Put your cursor over items on my screen and click to play",
"TIPS & TATS\nYou've found the tips button! I'll give you a series of things you can do and some helpful hints",
"FIELD GATES\nThere are three field gates that are opened as you move me to the right. Thank you for your patience",
"ZOOM ZOOM\nMy motion is bumpy but I have a smooth zoom. Zoom in with the inner circle and out with the outer circle",
"HOT SPOTS\nThere are over 100 hot spots on my screen. Press to visit the matching item on the Dan Zen site",
"CAPACITORS\nDan Zen is surrounded by waterfalls which power capacitors. The capacitors charge my battery",
"BATTERY CABLES\nUnfortunately, my battery cables sometimes jostle loose - just activate my auxilary to fix me",
"WALL POINTER\nIn the top left corner of my face is a dial that points which wall I am facing - it helps me..."
_root.tip = 0
_root.gettip ()
zoomspeed = 2
horizontalspeed = 15
verticalspeed = 15
clunkamount = 20 //each pannel must be wider than kirputnik screen - clunk amount.
breakdownamount = 200 // how many turns until breakdown
picture_y = 600
kirputnik_x = 299 //to center
kirputnik_y = 208 //to center
kirputnik_width = 639
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
x_start = pannel._x
y_start = pannel._y
kirputnik_top = 26 //to screen top
kirputnik_bottom = 365 //to screen bottom
kirputnik_left = 55 //to left of screen
kirputnik_right = 542 //to right of screen
_root.thankyoulist = new Array("Thanks, that feels good!", "Thanks, sometimes I think Dan Zen's sodder is fodder", "Thanks, but I dread the day the auxilary goes", "Thanks, oh, for an extension cord!", "Thanks, I thought I was a gonner for sure" )
function otherpannelloaded ( p ) {
if (_root.warningpannel <> p) {return;}
_root.text2 = "PASSAGE CLEAR!\nThe next field gate has discharged. You may proceed to the right";
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
//////////// right-hand button subroutines /////////////
function gettip () {
_root.warning = 0
_root.text2 = tiplist[_root.tip]
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.tip = _root.tip + 1
if (_root.tip > tiplist.length - 1) {_root.tip = 0;}
function redlightoff () {
if (_root.pannelloaded < 1) {return;}
if (_root.warning >= 1) {return;}
glowcheck = 0
glowcheck2 = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
_root.glow2.gotoAndPlay ( 61 )
extracomment = thankyoulist[Math.floor(Math.random () * thankyoulist.length)]
if (glownumber == 5) {
extracomment = "You must be interested in our Lab, please e-mail garden@danzen.com and tell us you saw this message"
_root.text2 = "BATTERY RECONNECTED!\n" + extracomment;
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
//////// left-hand button scripts ////////
function zoomin () {
if (glowcheck == 1) {return;}
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
w = pannel._width
h = pannel._height
s = pannel._xscale + zoomspeed + Math.pow (pannel._xscale / 100, 2.5)
if (s < 300) {
setProperty ("pannel", _xscale, s);
sx = pannel._x - (pannel._width - w) * (pannel._x * -1 + kirputnik_x) / w
setProperty ("pannel", _x, sx);
setProperty ("pannel", _yscale, s);
sy = pannel._y - (pannel._height - h) * (pannel._y * -1 + kirputnik_y) / h
setProperty ("pannel", _y, sy);
} else {
if (otherpannel._x) {
setProperty ("otherpannel", _xscale, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _yscale, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _y, pannel._y);
if (otherpannel._x < pannel._x) { //pannel to left
sx = pannel._x - gap * s / 100 - otherpannel._width
} else { //pannel to right
sx = pannel._x + gap * s / 100 + pannel._width
setProperty ("otherpannel", _x, sx);
boundcheck ()
breakdowncheck ();
function zoomout () {
if (glowcheck == 1) {return;}
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
getoldpannelpostion ()
w = pannel._width
h = pannel._height
s = pannel._xscale - zoomspeed - Math.pow (pannel._xscale / 100, 2.5)
if (picture_y * s / 100 < kirputnik_bottom - kirputnik_top + clunkamount) {
s = (kirputnik_bottom - kirputnik_top + clunkamount) / picture_y * 100
setProperty ("pannel", _xscale, s);
sx = pannel._x + (w - pannel._width) * (pannel._x * -1 + kirputnik_x) / w
setProperty ("pannel", _x, sx);
setProperty ("pannel", _yscale, s);
sy = pannel._y + (h - pannel._height) * (pannel._y * -1 + kirputnik_y) / h
setProperty ("pannel", _y, sy);
if (otherpannel._x) {
setProperty ("otherpannel", _xscale, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _yscale, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _y, pannel._y);
if (otherpannel._x < pannel._x) { //pannel to left
sx = pannel._x - gap * s / 100 - otherpannel._width
} else { //pannel to right
sx = pannel._x + gap * s / 100 + pannel._width
setProperty ("otherpannel", _x, sx);
boundcheck ()
setotherpannel ();
breakdowncheck ();
function right () {
if (glowcheck == 1) {return;}
if (side == "left2" && warning >= 1 && warning2 == 0) {
warning2 = 1
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
getoldpannelpostion ()
s = pannel._x - horizontalspeed
s_o = otherpannel._x - horizontalspeed
setProperty ("pannel", _x, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _x, s_o);
setotherpannel ();
clunk ();
boundcheck ();
setdial ();
breakdowncheck ();
function left () {
if (glowcheck == 1) {return;}
if (side == "right2" && warning >= 1 && warning2 == 0) {
warning2 = 1
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
getoldpannelpostion ()
s = pannel._x + horizontalspeed
s_o = otherpannel._x + horizontalspeed
setProperty ("pannel", _x, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _x, s_o);
setotherpannel ();
clunk ();
boundcheck ();
setdial ();
breakdowncheck ();
function up () {
if (glowcheck == 1) {return;}
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
s = pannel._y + verticalspeed
s_o = otherpannel._y + verticalspeed
setProperty ("pannel", _y, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _y, s_o);
boundcheck ();
breakdowncheck ();
function down () {
if (glowcheck == 1) {return;}
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
s = pannel._y - verticalspeed
s_o = otherpannel._y - verticalspeed
setProperty ("pannel", _y, s);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _y, s_o);
boundcheck ();
breakdowncheck ();
//////////// movement subroutines ////////////
function getoldpannelpostion () {
oldpannel_x = pannel._x
oldpannel_y = pannel._y
oldpannel_xscale = pannel._xscale
oldpannel_yscale = pannel._yscale
function setoldpannelpostion () {
setProperty (pannel, _x, oldpannel_x);
setProperty (pannel, _y, oldpannel_y);
setProperty (pannel, _xscale, oldpannel_xscale);
setProperty (pannel, _yscale, oldpannel_yscale);
function breakdowncheck () {
if (_root.warning == 0) {bcheck = bcheck + 1;}
if (bcheck > breakdownamount) {
_root.redlight2._x = 461
bcheck = 0
glowcheck2 = 1
breakdownamount = breakdownamount / glownumber
glownumber = glownumber + 1
breakdownamount = breakdownamount * glownumber
_root.text2 = "BATTERY ALERT\nThe battery electrodes have jostled loose - please activate auxilary maintenance button at right";
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.glow2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
function boundcheck () {
if (pannel._y > kirputnik_top) {
setProperty ("pannel", _y, kirputnik_top);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _y, kirputnik_top);
if (pannel._y + pannel._height < kirputnik_bottom) {
setProperty ("pannel", _y, kirputnik_bottom - pannel._height);
setProperty ("otherpannel", _y, kirputnik_bottom - pannel._height);
function setotherpannel () {
oldside = side;
if (pannel._x > kirputnik_left - 5) {
side = "left";
if (pannel._x + pannel._width < kirputnik_right + 5) {
side = "right";
if (side ne oldside) {
if (side eq "left") {
if (pannelnumber == 0) {
otherpannelnumber = pannellist.length-1
} else {
otherpannelnumber = pannelnumber - 1
if (_root.pannelloaded < otherpannelnumber + 1) {
setoldpannelpostion ()
_root.warning2 = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 461
if (_root.warning <> 1) {
_root.text2 = "KIRPUTNIK RUT!\nI suggest that we go the other way while the alligator trap door is open";
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 1
_root.warningpannel = otherpannelnumber + 1
side = "left2"
otherpannel = pannellist[otherpannelnumber];
setProperty (otherpannel, _xscale, pannel._xscale);
setProperty (otherpannel, _yscale, pannel._yscale);
other_x = pannel._x - otherpannel._width
other_y = pannel._y
setProperty (otherpannel, _x, other_x);
setProperty (otherpannel, _y, other_y);
} else {
if (pannelnumber == pannellist.length-1) {
otherpannelnumber = 0
} else {
otherpannelnumber = pannelnumber + 1
if (_root.pannelloaded < otherpannelnumber + 1) {
setoldpannelpostion ()
_root.warning2 = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 461
if (_root.warning <> 2) {
_root.text2 = "KIRPUTNIK PAUSE!\nPlease look around while I discharge the next field gate:";
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 2
_root.warningpannel = otherpannelnumber + 1
side = "right2"
otherpannel = pannellist[otherpannelnumber]
other_x = pannel._x + pannel._width
other_y = pannel._y
setProperty (otherpannel, _xscale, pannel._xscale);
setProperty (otherpannel, _yscale, pannel._yscale);
setProperty (otherpannel, _x, other_x);
setProperty (otherpannel, _y, other_y);
if (otherpannel._x < kirputnik_left && otherpannel._x + otherpannel._width > kirputnik_right) {
pannelnumber = otherpannelnumber
pannel = pannellist[pannelnumber];
setProperty (pannel, _xscale, otherpannel._xscale);
setProperty (pannel, _yscale, otherpannel._yscale);
setProperty (pannel, _x, otherpannel._x);
setProperty (pannel, _y, otherpannel._y);
otherpannel = "";
side = "";
function clunk (d) {
if (clunkamount == 0) {return;}
activate = Math.floor(Math.random () * 12)
deactivate = Math.floor(Math.random () * 4)
adjustedclunk = clunkamount * pannel._xscale / 100
if (activate == 1) {
jump = Math.floor(Math.random () * adjustedclunk + .49999);
setProperty (pannel, _y, pannel._y + jump);
if (otherpannel._x) {
setProperty (otherpannel, _y, otherpannel._y + jump);
if (deactivate == 1 && jump > 0) {
setProperty (pannel, _y, pannel._y - jump);
if (otherpannel._x) {
setProperty (otherpannel, _y, otherpannel._y - jump);
jump = 0
function setdial () {
degrees = (pannelnumber - 1) * 90 + 90 * (kirputnik_x - pannel._x) / pannel._width + 57
_root.dial2._rotation = degrees
talklist = new Array("welcome",
"PASSWORD PARADOX\nGuessing passwords will lead you to the top of the highest office tower and a billion Dollars",
"ELEVATOR STICKER\nDan Zen put these urban campaign ads in elevators and airports around the world",
"SPIROGRAM\nSend and receive spiral encoded message - complex encryption viral marketing tool for your site",
"OPARTICA\nThe pinnacle of Dan Zen's Op Art fascination - also features over 50 op art projects in his career",
"REVOLUTION STICKER\nOne of three small sticker urban marketing campaigns - this one for revolving doors",
"LADY WITH BROOCH\nPainting in Static-free Case for first Moustache Mystery - a beatnik art theft",
"DAN ZEN STONES\nThousands of real life Dan Zen stamped stones can be found at schools, in shops and homes",
"TOTEM SIGNATURE\nAdorns dozens of projects - early projects have Easter eggs in the right corner",
"TELEPORTERS\nTransporters to place on your site with your own destination list that activate on mouse roll over",
"SIGNATURE COINCIDENCE\nClick to play and find out more about this relatively extreme coincidence",
"TIE DOOR\nPart the Oleg Casinis in this groovy take of the love bead curtains",
"3D DARTS\nCastle dart board game to avoid the damsel and prick the black knight - drawbridge to start and end",
"DRAGON HEDGE\nHalloween sculpture that turns the front red thorny hedge into a car-eating roaring Dragon"
clicklist = new Array("welcome",
function talk (n) {
if (_root.glowcheck2 == 1) {return;}
_root.text2_old = _root.text2
_root.text2 = talklist[n]
if (_root.text2 <> _root.text2_old) {
if (_root.talkcheck == 0) {
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
function click (n) {
clickurl = clicklist[n]
if (clickurl == "") {
_root.redlight2._x = 461
_root.blankclickcheck = 1
_root.blankclickcheck = 0
if (clickurl.substr( 0, 4 ) <> "http") {
clickurl = "http://www.danzen.com/" + clickurl
getURL ( clickurl, "_new" );
talklist = new Array("welcome",
"GYCOPO\nGame you can only play once. Early Dan Zen game where the answers tell your past present and future",
"MOON PUTT\nIndoor 9 hole mini put made from items in a couple bags given to Dan Zen as a Christmas present",
"MEDALLIONS\nDan Zen has worn dozens of homemade medallions including some of the biggest in the world",
"WEB OUIJA\nInspired by a spider moving across a newspaper, the Web Ouija was born - okay, it's a good story...",
"KALEIDOSCREEN\nopen ended kaleidoscope with felt pads for moving across the computer monitor",
"WORD WARP\nAnagram making tool - you just drag the tiles around and make words out of words - try your name!",
"CHEESE PORT\nPlug multiple mouses into this Swiss cheese adapter and multiple people can play at one terminal",
"YESUMNO\nVoting game where friends sit at one terminal and vote on issues that you make up - good party game too",
"SALAMANDER\nSpy disguise game where you go in to Bulls eye Park and catch the Salamander - master of disguise",
"CHANT\nGame for four people where you take turns secretly writing words about a topic and then chant them",
"DENS\nDiscussion rooms set in the Great Wall of China - you can make secret dens too!",
"SUNDIALETS\nWrist sundials where you point North and see reflections of the sun at associated time calibrations",
"FRUIT FACE\nOne of the Secret Agents in Spy-mail responsible for delivering your messages - banana split phone!",
"DAN ZEN GARDEN\nYou can leave your name on a stone in the Dan Zen garden - thousands have and they are fun to read",
"BLIMP RACE\nInvite your friends to join your blimp and the blimp with the most people wins! Played every 2 years.",
"BRASS STACHE\nBrass moustache worn at the Moustache Mysteries launch party. Moustaches were given out on trays.",
"GORGOLON\nModel of the underwater civilization, Gorgolon where city is made of glass mined from the molten core."
clicklist = new Array("welcome",
function talk (n) {
if (_root.glowcheck2 == 1) {return;}
_root.text2_old = _root.text2
_root.text2 = talklist[n]
if (_root.text2 <> _root.text2_old) {
if (_root.talkcheck == 0) {
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
function click (n) {
clickurl = clicklist[n]
if (clickurl == "") {
_root.redlight2._x = 461
_root.blankclickcheck = 1
_root.blankclickcheck = 0
if (clickurl.substr( 0, 4 ) <> "http") {
clickurl = "http://www.danzen.com/" + clickurl
getURL ( clickurl, "_new" );
talklist = new Array("welcome",
"HAWAIIAN HANG\nDan Zen is Hawaiian born with relatives there still. Come take a look at his shirts...",
"LEFT RIGHT\nSpy-mail Secret Agent, Left Right has a second face grafted on to the back of his head. Coming? Going?",
"PREDICTION TRAIN\nGet on board to the future as people make predictions on various categories and check past predictions",
"GRIM'S GUESS\nThe Grim Reaper will guess your age when you answer a few simple questions. I've only got months left",
"MULTIMEDIA GURU\nGuru robe and lei name tag worn to 1996 Macromedia Conference premiere of Director Shockwave.",
"PSI SHEILDS\nI adjust the psi sheilds to point cast Dan Zen Telepathy. Activate if you do not receive Telepathy...",
"MOUSTACHE MYSTERIES\nThree interactive animated zany online mysteries with more to come! Double identities galore!",
"TELEPATHY\nWhenever something is new on Dan Zen Telepathy is sent out using this device... try it!",
"BEADS\nBeing psychedelic, there are dozens of beads, shells, necklaces and medallions hanging around",
"RUGUS\nThis convex mirror played the Alien Rugu in this sci-fi movie short with TV phones and teleporters",
"C-HIVE\nMiss C-Hive has a computer doo and gauze satellite wings. She is an ultimate Secret Agent for Spy-mail!",
"SHRINKRAY\nThousands of people were shrunk and put in bottles as the evil barnacle, Eg Ry, took over Dan Zen's site...",
"TALLEST HAT\nIt goes up and up through the tower. You can see it by clicking and donating to the world's tallest hat...",
"AFTER REFLECTION\nOne of three urban stickers - this one for mirrors in night clubs, homes and pond-side benches"
clicklist = new Array("welcome",
function talk (n) {
if (_root.glowcheck2 == 1) {return;}
_root.text2_old = _root.text2
_root.text2 = talklist[n]
if (_root.text2 <> _root.text2_old) {
if (_root.talkcheck == 0) {
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
function click (n) {
clickurl = clicklist[n]
if (clickurl == "") {
_root.redlight2._x = 461
_root.blankclickcheck = 1
_root.blankclickcheck = 0
if (clickurl.substr( 0, 4 ) <> "http") {
clickurl = "http://www.danzen.com/" + clickurl
getURL ( clickurl, "_new" );
talklist = new Array("welcome",
"UTOPIA\nAn erotic mystery set in Utopia with poetry and pondering - not for little kids, that's why it's up high",
"POOL PUTT\nImagined for Dan Zen's first mystery, Lady With Brooch - balls in holes come out the legs",
"HIP CATS\nCreate online personas and view others in different moods. Words get translated by this device!",
"EXTRA EYES\nSecret Agent Extra Eyes works for Spy-mail and keeps watch on fibre optic lines and infrared channels...",
"TOUCH GLOBE\nGlobe displays facts about area touched - used to track Professor Y probes in Save Earth",
"SAVE EARTH\nThis is the launch pad for Professor Y probes sent to map mysterious sphere surrounding Earth",
"PASSWORD PARADOX\nGuessing passwords will lead you to the top of the highest office tower and a billion Dollars",
"ELEVATOR STICKER\nDan Zen put these urban campaign ads in elevators and airports around the world"
clicklist = new Array("welcome",
function talk (n) {
if (_root.glowcheck2 == 1) {return;}
_root.text2_old = _root.text2
_root.text2 = talklist[n]
if (_root.text2 <> _root.text2_old) {
if (_root.talkcheck == 0) {
_root.talkzap2.gotoAndPlay ( 3 );
_root.talkcheck = 1
_root.warning = 0
_root.redlight2._x = 1000
function click (n) {
clickurl = clicklist[n]
if (clickurl == "") {
_root.redlight2._x = 461
_root.blankclickcheck = 1
_root.blankclickcheck = 0
if (clickurl.substr( 0, 4 ) <> "http") {
clickurl = "http://www.danzen.com/" + clickurl
getURL ( clickurl, "_new" );