package samples {
	// Falcon lets you send and receive data with one class
	// use Falcon to read in text or XML or communicate with a server script like PHP
	// See FalconProvider to see how you can easily get server data into a DataProvider (DataGrid, List, etc.)
	// suggested installation:
	// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
	// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
	// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings 
	// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder	
	// put the provided com/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
	// the readme has more information if you need it
	// See below for an example of how to call Falcon from a document class for instance	
	// you basically, create a new Falcon Object and pass it the URL, dataType and variables to send (optional)
	// addEventListener to receive the Event.COMPLETE event and ask for your Falcon object's data property
	// make a new Object each time you want to send or receive data
	// if you just want to send data to a server script you still must receive data in cgi-format
	// so just have your server script return status=good or some such key=value pair
	// new Falcon(serverFile:String, type:String = Falcon.VARIABLES, myVars:Object = {});
	//		Parameters:
	//		serverFile is the name of your XML or txt file or server script like a php file
	//		type is Falcon.VARIABLES, Falcon.TEXT, Falcon.XML_DATA, Falcon.BINARY
	//		you can't write to TEXT, XML_DATA or BINARY files 
	//		use VARIBLES and a server script to write to these types of files
	//	none
	//	data	populated just before the COMPLETE event is dispatched
	//			holds your XML, Text, Binary or Variable data
	//			for XML it is XML
	//			for Variables just ask for data.yourVariable
	//  Falcon.VARIABLES:String
	//	Falcon.TEXT:String
	//	Falcon.XML_DATA:String
	//	Falcon.BINARY:String		
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.events.Event;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	import com.danzen.utilities.Falcon;
	public class FalconXML extends MovieClip {
		public function FalconXML() {
			var myFalcon:Falcon=new Falcon("sample.xml", Falcon.XML_DATA);
		private function getData(e:Event) {
			if (e.target.error) {
				myText.text = "sorry, error connecting to XML file";
			} else {
				// trace e.target.data; // shows complete XML object
				myText.text = e.target.data.text; 
				myText.appendText("\n\n"); // new lines
				myText.appendText(", "); 

package com.danzen.utilities {

	// Falcon lets you send and receive data with one class
	// use Falcon to read in text or XML or communicate with a server script like PHP
	// See FalconProvider to see how you can easily get server data into a DataProvider (DataGrid, List, etc.)

	// http://falconflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
	// if you are using Falcon for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
	// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
	// suggested installation:
	// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
	// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
	// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings 
	// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder	
	// put the provided com/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
	// the readme has more information if you need it
	// See the samples for how to call Falcon from a document class for instance	
	// you basically, create a new Falcon Object and pass it the URL, dataType and variables to send (optional)
	// addEventListener to receive the Event.COMPLETE event and ask for your Falcon object's data property
	// make a new Object each time you want to send or receive data
	// if you just want to send data to a server script you still must receive data in cgi-format
	// so just have your server script return status=good or some such key=value pair

	// new Falcon(serverFile:String, type:String = Falcon.VARIABLES, myVars:Object = {});
	//		Parameters:
	//		serverFile is the name of your XML or txt file or server script like a php file
	//		type is Falcon.VARIABLES, Falcon.TEXT, Falcon.XML_DATA, Falcon.BINARY
	//		you can't write to TEXT, XML_DATA or BINARY files 
	//		use VARIBLES and a server script to write to these types of files
	//	none
	//	data:*	populated just before the COMPLETE event is dispatched
	//			holds your XML, Text, Binary or Variable data
	//			for XML it is XML
	//			for Variables just ask for data.yourVariable
	//  error:Boolean
	//			whether there was an error or not
	//			will not capture an error if 
	//  Falcon.VARIABLES:String
	//	Falcon.TEXT:String
	//	Falcon.XML_DATA:String
	//	Falcon.BINARY:String	

	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.*;

	// classes for server script connection
	import flash.net.URLVariables;
	import flash.net.URLRequest;
	import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
	import flash.net.URLLoader;
	import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
	import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
	public class Falcon extends Sprite {

		public static const VARIABLES:String = "variables";
		public static const TEXT:String = "text";
		public static const BINARY:String = "binary";
		public static const XML_DATA:String = "XML";
		private var myRequest:URLRequest;
		private var myVars:URLVariables;
		private var myLoader:URLLoader;
		private var myDataType:String;
		public var data:Object;
		public var error:Boolean;

		public function Falcon(theURL:String, theDataType:String=Falcon.VARIABLES, theSendObject:Object=null) {
			//trace ("hi from Falcon");
			myDataType = theDataType;
			// set up the objects to send and receive data
			myVars = new URLVariables(); // this holds variables to send (as dynamic properties)
			if (theSendObject) {
				for (var i:Object in theSendObject) {
					myVars[i] = theSendObject[i];
			myRequest = new URLRequest();// this prepares the request for the loader
			myLoader = new URLLoader(); // this is the loader that will send and receive			
			if (myDataType != Falcon.XML_DATA) {
				var myLookup:Object = {
				myLoader.dataFormat = myLookup[myDataType];
			myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, getData);
			myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, getError);		
			try {
				myLoader.load(myRequest);// this sends the variables and loads new data from php
			} catch (e:Error) {
				trace ("oops"); // does not seem to catch!
		private function getData(e:Event):void {
			// the data comes into the e.target.data property
			// if the data is of the format URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT then just use the data
			// if the data is VARIABLES then convert the data into variable form like so:
			if (myDataType == Falcon.VARIABLES) {				
				data = new URLVariables(e.target.data);
			} else {
				if (myDataType == Falcon.XML_DATA) {
					data = XML(e.target.data);				
				} else if (myDataType == Falcon.TEXT) {
					data = e.target.data.replace(/\r/g, "");				
				} else {
					data = e.target.data;
			error = false;
			dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));			
		private function getError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
			error = true;
			dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));


package com.danzen.utilities {

	// FalconProvider lets you send and receive data with one class 
	// the difference between this class and Falcon is that this class puts data into a DataProvider
	// use Falcon if you are not using a DataProvider for a DataGrid, ComboBox, List component etc.

	// http://falconflash.wordpress.com - by inventor Dan Zen - http://www.danzen.com
	// if you are using FalconProvider for commercial purposes, you are welcome to donate to Dan Zen
	// donations can be made to agency@danzen.com at http://www.paypal.com
	// suggested installation:
	// create a "classes" folder on your hard drive - for example c:\classes
	// add the classes folder to your Flash class path:
	// Flash menu choose Edit > Preferences > ActionScript - ActionScript 3 Settings 
	// then use the + sign for the source path box to add the path to your classes folder	
	// put the provided com/danzen/ directory with its folders and files in the classes folder
	// the readme has more information if you need it
	// See the samples for how to call FalconProvider from a document class for instance
	// you must have a component that uses a DataProvider in the library (DataGrid, ComboBox, List)
	// you create a new FalconProvider Object and pass it the URL, dataType and variables to send (optional)
	// addEventListener to receive the Event.COMPLETE event and in the event method
	// you can set the dataProvider property of your component to the FalconProvider's dataProvider property
	// your server script (like PHP) must return a cgi-formated variables with an increasing index number like so:
	// age1=29&name1=Dan&age2=32&name2=Roger&age3=22&name3=Paula etc.
	// make a new Object each time you want to send or receive data

	// new FalconProvider(serverFile:String, type:String = Falcon.VARIABLES, myVars:Object = {});
	//		Parameters:
	//		serverFile is the name of your server script like a php file
	//		type for FalconProvider should be Falcon.VARIABLES (default)
	//		can use FalconProvider for other types if you want
	//	none
	//	data:*	populated just before the COMPLETE event is dispatched
	//			holds your Variables just ask for data.yourVariable
	//	dataProvider:DataProvider
	//			holds a DataProvider created based on your script input
	//			script must send back variables with an increasing index
	//  error:Boolean
	//			whether there was an error or not
	//			will not capture an error if 
	//  Falcon.VARIABLES:String
	//	Falcon.TEXT:String
	//	Falcon.XML_DATA:String
	//	Falcon.BINARY:String		

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.events.*;
	import fl.data.DataProvider;

	// classes for server script connection
	import flash.net.URLVariables;
	import flash.net.URLRequest;
	import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
	import flash.net.URLLoader;
	import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
	import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
	public class FalconProvider extends MovieClip {
		// there must be a component that uses a DataProvider in the FLA
		// such as a DataGrid, ComboBox, List, etc.

		public static const VARIABLES:String = "variables";
		public static const TEXT:String = "text";
		public static const BINARY:String = "binary";
		public static const XML_DATA:String = "XML";
		private var myRequest:URLRequest;
		private var myVars:URLVariables;
		private var myLoader:URLLoader;
		private var myDataType:String;
		public var data:Object;
		public var error:Boolean;
		public var dataProvider:DataProvider = new DataProvider();

		public function FalconProvider(theURL:String, theDataType:String=FalconProvider.VARIABLES, theSendObject:Object=null) {
			//trace ("hi from FalconProvider");
			myDataType = theDataType;
			// set up the objects to send and receive data
			myVars = new URLVariables(); // this holds variables to send (as dynamic properties)
			if (theSendObject) {
				for (var i in theSendObject) {
					myVars[i] = theSendObject[i];
			myRequest = new URLRequest();// this prepares the request for the loader
			myLoader = new URLLoader(); // this is the loader that will send and receive			
			if (myDataType != Falcon.XML_DATA) {
				var myLookup:Object = {
				myLoader.dataFormat = myLookup[myDataType];
			myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, getData);
			myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, getError);		
			myLoader.load(myRequest);// this sends the variables and loads new data from php
		private function getData(e:Event) {
			// the data comes into the e.target.data property
			// if the data is of the format URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT then just use the data
			// if the data is VARIABLES then convert the data into variable form like so:
			if (myDataType == Falcon.VARIABLES) {
				data = new URLVariables(e.target.data);
				// check for sequential data - name1, age1, name2, age2, etc.
				var mySeries:Object = {};
				var max:Number = 0;
				var min:Number = int.MAX_VALUE;
				for (var d in data) {					
					var re:RegExp = /(\D+)(\d+)$/;
					var myMatches:Object = re.exec(d);
					if (myMatches) {
						var prefix:String = myMatches[1]; // name, age, etc.
						var suffix:Number = Number(myMatches[2]); // 1, 2, etc.
						max = Math.max(max, suffix);
						min = Math.min(min, suffix);
						if (!mySeries[prefix]) {
							mySeries[prefix] = [];
						mySeries[prefix][suffix] = data[d];
				// if there is sequential data then put it into a DataProvider
				if (!isNaN(suffix)) {
					var tempDataProvider:Array = [];
					var providerRow:Object;
					for (var i:uint=min; i<=max; i++) {
						providerRow = {};
						for (var j in mySeries) {
							providerRow[j] = (mySeries[j][i]) ? mySeries[j][i] : "";
					dataProvider = new DataProvider(tempDataProvider);
			} else {
				if (myDataType == Falcon.XML_DATA) {
					data = XML(e.target.data);									
				} else if (myDataType == Falcon.TEXT) {					
					data = e.target.data.replace(/\r/g, "");
				} else {
					data = e.target.data;
			error = false;
			dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));			
		private function getError(e:IOErrorEvent) {			
			error = true;
			trace (e);
			for(var i:Object in e) {
			dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
