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Script Tags


You can add CreateJS and ZIM as script tags above your code.

The scripts can be found on the CDN. Alternatively, use Modules.
<!-- Individual Scripts from CDN -->
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/1.4.1/createjs.js"></script>
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/017/zim_min.js"></script>

new Frame(FIT, 1024, 768, light, dark, ready);
function ready() {
    // put your code here
Here is an example of importing the scripts for Physics. Note: this becomes one line when using Modules. Other helper libraries are similar. The top of the DOCS has commonly used libraries.
<!-- Individual Scripts from CDN -->
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/1.4.1/createjs.js"></script>
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/017/zim_min.js"></script>
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/2.1.3/box2d.js"></script>
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/physics_2.3.js"></script>

new Frame(FIT, 1024, 768, light, dark, ready);
function ready() {
    // put your code here
Or you can use ES6 MODULES or NPM.

ZIM can also be used without the Internet. Download the OFFLINE ZIP example.

ZIM Offline - Run with NO Internet - HTML Canvas coding with JavaScript and CreateJS

Make sure to unzip the ZIP file once it is downloaded.

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