ZIM - Game Go - with ZIMjs for JavaScript and HTML Canvas with CreateJS

Dr. Abstract describes making games for the HTML Canvas with JavaScript, CreateJS and ZIMjs interactive media framework Games with ZIM can be ready to go in one day! These can be used for advergaming, gamification for e-learning, game portals, etc.


Games often involve a character that is controlled with mouse, keyboard or game controller. The ZIM MotionController class makes this really easy! ZIM also has one-line drag and drop as well as gesture controls for touch screen pinch zoom, pan and rotate.
MotionController(target, type, speed, axis, boundary, map, diagonal, damp, flip, rotate, constant, firstPerson, turnSpeed, moveThreshold, stickThreshold, container, localBounds, mouseMoveOutside, mousedownIncludes, minPercentSpeed, maxPercentSpeed, dampKeyup) Docs

Hit Tests

Games can have items that need to be collected or avoided. ZIM has a variety of hit tests for points, bounds, circles, rectangles, registrations, paths and grids. There is also a souped up interval as well as Ticker class optimized for mobile. These can be used to drop a bomb or a flower at random times and constantly test for a hit using a traditional JavaScript if statement.


ZIM Sprite uses industry-standard SpriteSheets - see Interactive Animation - and features a run method based on ZIM animate which provides duration, rewind, loop, ease, labels, etc. ZIM also has a Dynamo which is a dynamic sprite that changes speed based on input. These can be put in an Accelerator along with Scroller objects and other animations to change the speed of the whole scene from one place!
Sprite(image, cols, rows, count, offsetX, offsetY, spacingX, spacingY, width, height, animations, json, id, globalControl, spriteSheet, style, group, inherit) Docs

Here is an example of using a ZIM Sprite for a Texture Atlas approach where the SpriteSheet holds multiple images. These can be brought in and used just like any other DisplayObject so animated, dragged, etc. The advantage of this approach is speed gained from only one call to the GPU. Speed is important on mobile.


ZIM has integrated Physics that provides a much easier interface to the BOX 2D Physics engine (Angry Birds). Any display object can be placed into the physics world with the addPhysics method to receive force, impulse, torque, contact, etc. The physics world has gravity, borders, dragging, joints and can be scrolled and set to follow any body.
addPhysics(dynamic, contract, shape, friction, linear, angular, density, restitution, maskBits, categoryBits, physics) Docs


ZIM has a game module with a LeaderBoard, Isometric Board, Dialog, Timer, Scorer, Meter and a growing number of helper classes. EasyStar can be used for path finding. The Three module works to bring 3D into ZIM via ThreeJS. There is also ZIM Socket for multiuser games!


ZIM provides a Frame that fits to an HTML Window, Tag or mobile ViewPort and gives a Stage where all the objects are placed. The Pages class lets us divide into scenes and then there is the Container class to organize any number of objects. The Tile class can be used to tile objects, the Emitter class can be used to make many objects in time. And there are many components like Button, Slider, Dial, etc. for interface.
Frame(scaling, width, height, color, outerColor, assets, path, progress, rollover, touch, scrollTop, align, valign, canvasID, rollPerSecond, delay, canvasCheck, gpu, gpuObj, nextFrame, nextStage, allowDefault, loadFailObj, sensors) Docs


CreateJS has been downloaded over a Billion times and was used to remake the Atari Arcade sponsored by Microsoft at the dawn of HTML5. ZIM is used around the world for casual games, kids games, word games, Flash-type games, advergaming, and any type of 2D game imaginable! Pictured at right are CloseApp games.
Thanks to ZIM, development time was quite short and a very smooth ride along a quick learning curve! - Valeria Valoueva, New York Hall Of Science


Games are even more fun to code!
open links in new tab

HTML 5 Games Tutorials - Isometric Board, Side-scroller, Falling Game, Tile Game
HTML 5 Games Tutorials for Isometric, Side-scroller, Falling and Tile Games

Odd Robots - test to see if you know your evil and good robots!
Odd Robots but which are good and which are evil?

Dazzle Finger - use your finger along magical paths!
Put a spell on yourself or others with Dazzle Finger!

Crystal Cloud - guide city of millions through the caves!
Guide the Crystal Cloud city of millions through the caves!

DoDoDot - the Hidden Order Game!
DoDoDot is the hidden order game! Also a PWA!

Alone Droid 2 Neon Cave Physics Game to disable shield generator
Alone Droid 2 Neon Caves Side Scroller physics game

ZIM Hud for three.js using TextureActive
An example of a ZIM HUD for three.js

Isometric Maze Game Board in ZIM Game Module
Isometric Maze Game Board in ZIM Game Module

Alone Droid Physics Game to disable shield generator
Alone Droid Physics Game to disable shield generator

LeaderBoard made with ZIM Game Module - GET YOURS
LeaderBoard made with ZIM Game Module - GET YOURS

Touchy Mobile Game to touch each other's screens
Touchy Mobile Game to touch each other's screens

Fermenti - keep the circles from falling
Keep the circles from falling in Fermenti the physics game

Cat Food - keep all the food off the floor in this physics game for the canvas
Cat Food! Don't let the food fall on the floor

Heart Game with Mouse or Game Pad Controller
Splatoid Heart Chase with Mouse or Game Pad

Splatoid Pattern Matching Game
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Carboon Isometric Game to collect and avoid
Carboon Isometric Game to collect and avoid

Psychic Pixels Guessing Game mobile app with pixel drawing
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Dynamic Sprite Sheets with Dynamo and Accelerator
Dynamic Sprite Sheets with Dynamo and Accelerator

Integrated Physics with forces, contacts, linkages, scrolling and more
Integrated Physics with forces, contacts, linkages, scrolling and more

Zong! Pong Game with multiple balls and paddles
Zong! Pong Game with multiple balls and paddles

64 ZIM Bits including Local Storage, Path Finding and Falling Games
64 ZIM Bits including Local Storage, Path Finding and Falling Games

ZIM Controller class with Game Console controls, keyboard and mouse
ZIM Controller class with Game Console controls, keyboard and mouse

Parallax scrolling backgrounds for Side Scroller Games
Parallax scrolling backgrounds for Side Scroller Games
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