Holiday "cards" offer an amazing opportunity to make fun little interactive media features.
These do not take long to create and they help spread the holiday joy and keep in touch.
Select MORE for some festive tips!
In the Victorian ages, they made interactive cards with holes
to put fingers through for legs (more current version shown).
Pop-up cards were a hit of the seventies.
With digital media, there are endless opportunities for interactive cards and distribution is easier as well.
Here are four FLASH holiday cards by Inventor Dan Zen.
These could now be made easily with ZIM with its conveniences, components and controls.
Google has been doing Doodles for the holidays.
Here is an example of one that used CreateJS - the library that powers ZIM.
ICT Games has made an advent calendar with a games behind the windows.
Students around the world have made interactive holiday cards - it is a perfect challenge for new coders.