<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>ZIM Small Game</title>
<!-- for CreateJS and ZIMjs http://zimjs.com - free to modify - Dan Zen 2015 -->
<!-- see http://zimjs.com/templates for more templates and meta tags -->
<script>var zon = true; // true for comments from zim code</script>
<script src="libraries/zim_1.4.3.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/createjs-2015.05.21.min.js"></script>
<!-- or can go to zimjs.com and createjs.com for individual modules -->
body {margin:0px; padding:0px; background-color:#000;}
#myCanvas {position:absolute; background-color:#333;}
// "none" sets canvas and stage to dimensions and does not scale if window changes
// "fit" sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit inside window size
// "outside" sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit outside window size
// "full" sets canvas and stage to window size (canvas is actually set to screen size)
var scaling = "fit"; // fit scales to fit the browser window while keeping the aspect ratio
var width = 960;
var height = 640;
var frame = new zim.Frame(scaling, width, height);
frame.on("ready", function() {
zog("ready from ZIM Frame");
var stage = frame.stage;
var stageW = frame.width;
var stageH = frame.height;
// handle asset loading and call main app function when complete
// we only have sounds to load for this game and they are in the game folder
var contentPath = "game/";
var manifest = [
{src:"backing.mp3", id:"backing"},
{src:"end.mp3", id:"end"},
{src:"grow.mp3", id:"grow"},
{src:"hit.mp3", id:"hit"},
{src:"blip.mp3", id:"blip"}
]; // array of objects
var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(true, contentPath);
preload.on("complete", app); // call the main code when ready
// a little animated waiting component
var waiter = new zim.Waiter(stage);
// when the sounds load we can begin!
function app() {
// generally, the game is to keep a bunch of circles from hitting one another
// the circles grow bigger and you press them to make them smaller
// the longer you keep them apart, the more points you get (seconds playing game)
waiter.hide(); // now that the sound has loaded, hide the waiter component
createjs.Sound.play("backing",{loop:-1, volume:.5}); // loop forever
var startTime = new Date(); // used to calculate the score based on time played
var endCheck = false; // has the game ended?
// make a list of colors to cycle through and then randomize the order
var colors = ["#f58e25", "#acd241", "#e472c4", "#50c4b7", "#d1a170"];
// game settings
var spacing = 140; // spacing between circles
var minSize = 30; // minimum starting size
var maxSize = 50; // maximum starting size
var odds = .97; // if our random number is greater than this, we grow
var bigger = 1.3; // make circle bigger by this much each time
var smaller = .9; // when we press, make circle smaller by this much
// for centering the circles
var totalSpacing = spacing * (colors.length-1);
var padding = (stageW - totalSpacing) / 2;
// create a container to hold all our circles
var circles = new createjs.Container();
var c; // temporarily stores each circle in loop
var radius; // the radius of the circle we are making
var color; // the color of the cicle we are making
for (var i=0; i<colors.length; i++) { // loop to make circles
radius = zim.rand(minSize, maxSize); // get a radius in the range
color = colors[i];
c = new zim.Circle(radius, color);
c.cursor = "pointer"; // indicate that it can be pressed
c.size = 1; // used to keep track of scale
circles.addChild(c); // add the circle to the container
c.x = i * spacing + padding;
c.y = stageH/2;
// here is where we do code for when any of the circles get clicked
// e.target will tell us which circle gets clicked and we store that in c
// if c has hit another circle then its end property will be set to true
// and we leave the function using the keyword, return
circles.on("click", function(e) {
var c = e.target;
if (c.end) return; // do not allow clicks on circles that have touched
// reducing scale while it is tweening causes a jump
// check to see if it is animating and if so, remove the tween
if (c.pause) {
c.pause = false; // mark the circle as not animating
c.size /= bigger; // set the circle back to size before animation
} else {
c.size *= smaller; // was not animating so just make smaller
if (c.size < .1) { // make sure it is not too small
c.size = .1;
zim.scale(c, c.size); // set the scale
circles.addChild(c); // bring clicked circle to top of circles
// here is the code that handles the circles getting bigger
// and checking if any circles are hitting and if the game should end
// this ticker goes at 60 frames per second so quite fast
var timer = createjs.Ticker.on("tick", function() {
var c; // a temporary reference to a circle that is being made bigger
for (var i=0; i<circles.numChildren; i++) { // loop through all the circles
if (Math.random() > odds) { // have we rolled higher than the odds?
c = circles.getChildAt(i); // if so, get a reference to the circle
if (c.end || c.pause) continue; // if it is already hitting or currently animating go to next i
c.size *= bigger; // set the new scale
c.pause = true; // set the circle as animating
// animate the circle to the new scale
// call the done function when done and pass to it which circle is animating
zim.animate(c, {scaleX:c.size, scaleY:c.size}, 1700, "elasticOut", done, c);
// here is the function that runs when a circle is finished growing
// we collect the circle in the parameter c
function done(c) {
c.pause = false; // set it to be done animating
var c2; // a temporary variable to hold a second circle
// loop through all the circles to see if it is hitting any now that it is bigger
for (var i=0; i<circles.numChildren; i++) {
c2 = circles.getChildAt(i); // get the second circle
if (c == c2) continue; // if it is the same as the first, go to the next i
if (zim.hitTestCircle(c, c2, 4)) { // if the first circle is hitting any of 4 points on the second circle
c2.end = true; // mark circles as ended (hitting)
c.end = true;
c2.cursor = "default"; // take off the pointer indicator
c.cursor = "default";
odds -= .05; // decrease the odds to make circles more likely to grow
// find out if there is zero or one circle left
// we need to count how many circles have the end property set to true
var ends = 0;
var last; // this will reference the last circle alive
for (i=0; i<circles.numChildren; i++) {
c2 = circles.getChildAt(i);
if (c2.end) {
ends++; // increase our counter
} else {
last = c2; // this could be the last circle as it has not ended
// when two circles end together there is a possibility of ending twice
// so only use one of them to end by setting an end check
// if we have already ended then do not end again!
if (ends >= circles.numChildren - 1 && !endCheck) {
endCheck = true; // mark that we have ended
if (last) {
last.end = true;
last.cursor = "default";
// turn off ticker, show score and reset button
function final() {
createjs.Ticker.off("tick", timer); // stop the ticker from running
var currentTime = new Date(); // get the current time and subtract from the start time
var time = Math.round((currentTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000);
var label = new zim.Label(String(time),60,null,"white",null,"#666");
label.x = stageW/2;
label.y = 100;
// wait a bit while the ending sound plays and they view their score
setTimeout(function() {
// darken the game
var rect = new zim.Rectangle(stageW,stageH);
rect.alpha = .7;
// add a restart button
var button = new zim.Button(300, 100, new zim.Label("RESTART", null, null, "white"), "#666", "#777");
button.x = stageW/2;
button.y = 400;
button.on("click", function() {
zgo("gameSmall.html"); // load the page again (poor man's restart)
}, 4000);
// this code handles the mute button (just a label) or M key press
var mute = new zim.Label("MUTE", 20, null, "white", "violet");
mute.cursor = "pointer";
mute.x = stageW - mute.width - 30;
mute.y = stageH - mute.height - 10;
mute.on("click", doSound);
function doSound() {
createjs.Sound.muted = !createjs.Sound.muted;
if (createjs.Sound.muted) {
mute.text = "SOUND";
} else {
mute.text = "MUTE";
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
// zog(e.keyCode);
if (e.keyCode == 77) { // M key
}); // end of ready
<!-- canvas with id="myCanvas" is made by zim Frame -->