function build() {
zog("____ ZIM Build Examples ____");
makeTitle("ZIM Build");
// use the zim.Button() class to make a button with rollovers
// requires stage.enableMouseOver(10); // for rollover
// requires createjs.Touch.enable(stage,true); // for mobile
// the following parameters are available (all are optional)
// width, height,
// label, fontSize, font,
// backingColor, backingRollColor, textColor, textRollColor, borderColor,
// corner, shadow
// label is the text on the button
// corner is the corner radius (default 20)
// shadow is a blur of the drop shadow (default 16)
var button = new zim.Button(300, 80, "See Parallax");
button.x = -400, button.y = 450;
button.on("click", function() {zog("Button Pressed");});
// extends a createjs.Container
// adds a little animated three dot wait widget
// var waiter = new zim.Waiter(parameters);
// you need to call the waiter.show() to show the waiter and waiter.hide() to hide it
// you do not need to add it to the stage - it adds itself centered
// you can change the x and y (with origin and registration point in middle)
// pass in the stage and speed in ms for the cycle time (default 600ms)
// pass in backing color and dot color
// corner is the corner radius default 14
// color and value for shadow blur - 0 for no shadow
var waiter = new zim.Waiter(stage);
// we will waiter.show() and waiter.hide() below as we open the pane
// use the zim.Pane() class to make a pop panel
// Pane extends createjs container so you can add objects to it
// the following are parameters:
// stage, width, height, color, drag, resets, modal, corner
// we center on the stage by default
// the panel is also added to the stage with the show() method
// and removed from the stage with the hide() method
// although the pane is
// drag is a boolean that defaults to false - set to true to drag
// drag is limited to the stage
// resets is a boolean defaulting to false that if set to true
// makes it so the pane always starts at the start position on opening
// the modal parameter defaults to true so you can't click off the pane
// without the pane closing. if you set the modal to false
// then you must close the pane manually with hide()
// corner is the corner radius (default 20)
// backingAlpha defaults to .14 - you can set it to 0 if you want
var pane = new zim.Pane(stage, 600, 200, null, "white", true, true, true, 20, .3);
button.on("click", function() {
// demonstrate the waiter
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500);
}); // clicking off pane will close it
// use the zim.Parallax() class to set up a parallax scene with layers
// the parameters are stage, damp, x, y, layers
// Parallax automatically uses the mouse position on the stage to shift layers
// layers are specified as an array with an object and x and y distances
// if you do not want motion in y then set the distanceY to 0
// then as you move the mouse from x=0 to x=stageW the object
// moves from -distanceX/2 to +distanceX/2 based on a center point
// things closer should move more so provide a larger layer distance
// things farther should move less so provide a smaller layer distance
// use the dispose() method to stop the inner parallax events
// any objects you need to add to the stage to start or remove afterwards
// Parallax uses the zim.ProportionDamp() class
// and automatically adds damping (default=.1)
// you can also specify the center point to shift around
var lax = new createjs.Container();
var circles = zimCircle();
circles.x = 100; circles.y = 0;
var circles2 = zimCircle();
circles2.x = 200; circles2.y = 160;
zim.scale(circles2, .3);
var circles3 = zimCircle();
circles3.x = 400; circles3.y = 120;
zim.scale(circles3, .5);
var circles4 = zimCircle();
circles4.x = 500; circles4.y = 50;
zim.scale(circles4, .8);
lax.x = -stageW/4;
lax.y = -stageH/6;
lax.mask = pane.display;
var layers = [[circles, 200, 100],[circles2, 40, 10],[circles3, 80, 20]];
var parallax = new zim.Parallax(stage, .05, layers);
// alternatively, you can use the addLayer() method:
parallax.addLayer(circles4, 150, 40);
// use the zim.Scroller() class to
// create a horizontal or vertical animated looping background
// dynamically set the speed and direction
// that is, if the scroller is horizontal you can set left or right
// if the scroller is vertical you can set up or down
// the parameters are backing1, backing2, speed, direction, horizontal
// backing1 and backing2 are copies of the same background object
// horizontal is a boolean that defaults to true
// once you create a Scroller you cannot change its orientation
// but you can use the dispose() method and make a new one
var backing1 = zimBacking();
var backing2 = zimBacking();
var scene = new zim.Scroller(backing1, backing2, 5, -1, false);
scene.speed = .4; // scroller goes faster (should ease - version 2 ;-)
scene.direction = 1 // scene reverses direction
// MOVE (from ZIM Create)
// use the zim.move(obj, x, y, milliseconds, ease); function to move an object
// just a little wrapper function for the createjs.Tween
// ease is optional and defaults to "quad" - use "elastic", "back", "bounce", etc.
// handles removing the Ticker when the tween is done
// use for the occasional movement as it makes a Ticker each time
zim.move(button, 70, 450, 450, "backOut");
// DAMPING (from ZIM Code)
// use the zim.Damp() class to handle damping
// damping looks more natural - things slow down and ease to a stop
// rather than make something follow the cursor directly, apply damping
// the equation is not long but can be tricky to remember
// Damp works in two steps:
// 1. set up a Damp object with a start value and damping value
// 2. convert a desired number to the dampened number in a Ticker or Interval
// damping works by continuously going part of the way to a desired value
// because of the continuous manner, you can't use it with a pressmove event
// if you want to damp in x and y you need two Damp objects
// note: Damp just works with values - you then apply the values to your objects
/* // just so distracting, I turned it off
var curse = zimCircle();
curse.y = 600;
zim.scale(curse, .2);
var dampX = new zim.Damp(curse.x, .08);
//var dampY = new zim.Damp(curse.y, .08);
var ticker = createjs.Ticker.on("tick", function() {
curse.x = dampX.convert(stage.mouseX);
//curse.y = dampY.convert(stage.mouseY);
// PROPORTION (from ZIM Code)
// use the zim.Proportion() class to convert an input value (base)
// to a proportional value on another scale (target)
// for instance convert the position of a slider to a volume or a scale
// proportion requires a straight forward but lengthy equation
// so the Proportion class makes it a little easier on us!
// Proportion has a two step process:
// 1. set up a Proportion object with its parameters
// 2. convert a base amount to a target amount
// (usually in a Ticker or pressmove event)
// the parameters are:
// baseMin, baseMax, targetMin, targetMax, factor, targetRound
// for a horizontal slider, baseMin is the left of the bar
// baseMax would be the right of the bar
// to handle scale, targetMin would be the minimum scale
// targetMax would be the maximum scale
// factor is 1 (default) for direct proportion (both increasing)
// factor is -1 for indirect proportion (one increasing the other decreasing)
// if you want to round the target amount
// then set the last parameter to true (default is false)
// then you adjust the slider knob (base amount) in a pressmove event
// and use the convert() method to find the new scale (target amount)
var slider = new createjs.Container();
slider.x = 900; slider.y = 100;
var bar = new createjs.Shape();
bar.height = 300;
// width, height, label, backingColor, backingRollColor, borderColor, borderThickness,corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur
var knob = new zim.Button(70,44,"S",null,null,null,null,14,"#aaa",5);
knob.regX = 35;
knob.regY = 22;
var bounds = new createjs.Rectangle(slider.x,slider.y,0,bar.height);
zim.drag(knob, bounds, "pointer", "pointer");
// locate the knob starting position based on the current speed of the scene
var minSpeed = -4;
var maxSpeed = 4;
var pStart = new zim.Proportion(minSpeed,maxSpeed,0,bar.height,1.-1);
knob.y = pStart.convert(scene.speed);
// use this or use proportion damp below
// now set up the slider to change the scene speed
var proportion = new zim.Proportion(0,bar.height,minSpeed,maxSpeed,-1);
knob.on("pressmove", function() {
scene.speed = proportion.convert(knob.y);
// use the zim.ProportionDamp() class to convert an input value (base)
// to a proportional value on another scale (target) with damping!
// for instance convert the position of a slider to a scale
// but as you slide the slider, the scale eases to the right scale
// this is very fluid and the height of interface elegance
// combining the two techniques gets fairly complex
// but ProportionDamp makes it easy!
// ProportionDamp has a two step process:
// 1. set up a ProportionDamp object with its parameters
// 2. convert a base amount to an eased target amount
// use a Ticker or Interval - NOT a pressmove event (because of easing)
// the parameters are:
// baseMin, baseMax, targetMin, targetMax, damp, factor, targetRound
// for a horizontal slider, baseMin is the left of the bar
// baseMax would be the right of the bar
// to handle scale, targetMin would be the minimum scale
// targetMax would be the maximum scale
// damp is the easing with a default of .1
// factor is 1 (default) for direct proportion (both increasing)
// factor is -1 for indirect proportion (one increasing the other decreasing)
// if you want to round the target amount
// then set the last parameter to true (default is false)
// then you adjust the slider knob (base amount) in a Ticker event
// and use the convert() method to find the new scale (target amount)
// this process will include damping and look very smooth
// now set up the slider to change the scene speed
var pd = new zim.ProportionDamp(0,bar.height,minSpeed,maxSpeed,.08,-1);
var ticker = createjs.Ticker.on("tick", function() {
scene.speed = pd.convert(knob.y);
// amazing!
// A horizontal or vertical set of radio buttons
// size, buttonData, vertical, color, spacing, margin
// buttonData can also have more information:
// [{label:ZIM Label or text, id:optional id, selected:optional Boolean}, {etc...}]
var radio = new zim.RadioButtons(40, ["OFF", "MID", "MAX"], false, "#222222");
radio.x = 450; radio.y = 540;
radio.on("change", function(e) {
// zog(e.target.text, e.target.selectedIndex, e.target.selected, e.target.label);
// can use text or selectedIndex to figure out what to do
var mid = (knob.y > bounds.height/2) ? bounds.height*2/3 : bounds.height/3;
var max = (knob.y > bounds.height/2) ? bounds.height : 0;
if (e.target.text == "MAX") knob.y = max;
else if (e.target.text == "MID") knob.y = mid;
else if (e.target.text == "OFF") knob.y = bounds.height/2;
knob.on("mousedown", function() {radio.setSelected(); stage.update();}); // clear
// zim.outline(radio);
// new zim.Grid(stage,null,false);
// a traditional CheckBox ;-)
// size, label, startChecked, color, margin
// label can just be text or can supply a ZIM Label
// ZIM Label object lets you customize labels of buttons, panes, checkboxes and radio buttons
// labelText, fontSize, font, textColor, textRollColor, shadowColor, shadowBlur
var label = new zim.Label("OPTIONS", 32, "verdana", "#222", "#C60");
var checkBox = new zim.CheckBox(40, label, false, "#222222");
checkBox.x = 450; checkBox.y = 470;
checkBox.on("change", function(e) {
// zog(e.target.label.text, e.target.checked, e.target.label);
// can use text or checked to figure out what to do
if (e.target.checked) {
} else {
checkBox.alpha = 0;
// ANIMATE (from ZIM Create)
// a wrapper for the createjs Tween class that makes and removes a Ticker
// target, obj, t, ease, callBack, params, wait
zim.animate(checkBox, {alpha:1}, 1000, null, null, null,700);
// some helper functions
function zimCircle(alpha) {
if (zot(alpha)) alpha = 1;
var colors = ["#f58e25","#acd241", "#e472c4", "#50c4b7 ", "#d1a170", "#222222"];
var c = new createjs.Shape();
var g = c.graphics;
c.radius = 100;
for (var i=0; i<colors.length; i++) {
c.setBounds(-c.radius, -c.radius, c.radius*2, c.radius*2);
c.cache(-c.radius, -c.radius, c.radius*2, c.radius*2);
c.alpha = alpha;
return c;
function zimBacking() {
var positions = [[200,200], [800,300], [500,400], [600,800], [300,600]];
var backing = new createjs.Container();
var circle;
for (var i=0; i<positions.length; i++) {
circle = zimCircle(.2);
circle.x = positions[i][0];
circle.y = positions[i][1];
backing.setBounds(0, 0, 800+circle.getBounds().width/2, 800+circle.getBounds().height/2);
backing.cache(0, 0, 800+circle.getBounds().width/2, 800+circle.getBounds().height/2);
return backing;
function makeTitle(t) {
var logo = new createjs.Bitmap(preload.getResult("logo"));
logo.x = 20; logo.y = 20;
logo.alpha = .8;
logo.cursor = "pointer";
logo.on("mouseover", function(){logo.alpha = 1; stage.update();});
logo.on("mouseout", function(){logo.alpha = .8; stage.update();});
logo.on("click", function(){zgo("../examples.html?build");});
var title = new createjs.Text(t, "26px Verdana", "#933");
title.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
title.alpha = .9;
title.x = 148;
title.y = 69;
return title;